Rory Mitchell
Welcome to the latest F1 Debrief, a newsletter that summarises the latest stories in the fast wor...
Experimenting with new models for creators. Built in collaboration between, JUICE and Blo...
F3 Knoxville
The F3 Knoxville Comz Substack is the home for Beyond The COT and Send Me. Beyond The COT is the...
Victor Fatanmi
Discovery, experiences, and insights on finding self, moving bold, and selling with purpose and c...
Cat Lo
Stories on building design, technology, and ourselves. Insider insights for product and UX design...
Andre Nader
I help tech workers reach Financial Independence. I write about going from FAANG to FIRE, invest...
Ruminations from a newbie writer who loves Asian dramas, books, and culture. She can fan-girl, ta...
Fabian Arciniegas
These are my reflections on singing, the voice, and you know what? whatever I want to write about...
Cartoonist from Montreal where my first cartoon, the Spice of Life was published in two Montréal ...
Erica L Soerensen
Each issue offers enchanting tales that weave the extraordinary into the every day, capturing the...
Carl Jeffers
Ready to build your personal brand through the power of words? Let me help you, subscribe below.
Bri Stokes
Hi! I'm Bri. I'm a writer, poet, producer & curator born, raised and based in Los Angeles, where ...
Fábrica de Gelo
“MUITOS anos depois, diante do pelotão de fuzilamento, o Coronel Aureliano Buendía havia de recor...
Doug OLaughlin
Let's learn more about the world's most important manufactured product. Meaningful insight, timel...
Fabrice Houdart
A weekly news digest on LGBTQ+ equality
Fabrice Grinda
Tech Entrepreneurship, Economics, Life Philosophy, and much more!
Daniel Fabunmi
Welcome to "fabs' thoughts" - this substack will cover thoughts on Biblical ideas, principles and...
Receba direto no seu e-mail o Soho News semanal, novidades sobre nossos artistas e lançamentos, o...
Matheus de Souza
A newsletter mais punk do Substack. Uma ou outra dica para você deixar de ser tonto e pagar os bo...
Margot Deliperi
La newsletter di Margot Deliperi che accende scintille di empowerment.
Adrian Teal
A masterclass in creating great caricatures; plus impassioned scribblings about the history and s...
Carrie Seidman
Sharing stories from people with lived mental health experience
Esther Eze
All the Web3 news and memes you wish you could find in your mailbox. Defenders of the creators.
Zeynab Mohamed
A newsletter for people who enjoy beauty. Essays on beauty culture for a thoughtful exploration o...
Conor Mac
Simple recipes that anyone can cook; posted weekly. It also helps me not forget recipes.
Jose Manuel Redondo Lopera
Weekly resources for leaders and facilitators. Learn tips and methods to run better workshops, bu...
Mehdi En-Naizi
A weekly advice column about designing and facilitating better workshops to help teams tackle big...
João Francisco ⚽️
The newsletter which brings you the facts about the sport we all love!
João Francisco ⚽️
A newsletter que lhe traz os factos sobre o desporto que todos amamos!
Justin Campbell
We're all fed up with the fact checkers. Let's just find the truth!
Factor Ferroviario es el punto de encuentro para la comunidad ferroviaria. Si te gustan los trene...
Greg Knittl
End vaccine mandates and related medical tyranny
John Sullivan
Independent analysis of the Covid pandemic, climate change, and other globalist misinformation.
wudan yan
Factual is a one-of-its kind fact-checking agency, matching nonfiction creators to vetted checker...
Faebles By Cesca
Welcome to my Substack. This is an ongoing project to develop my writing and gain publishing expe...
A monthly fantasy books news and recommendations newsletter that comes with a free fantasy web se...
Devany Amber Wolfe
Fae Wolfe honours the animal and mystical body, the sacredness of neurodivergence, the art of wom...
Ralph Turner
Photography, cameras, camera kit, photos, pictures, poetry, nature spirituality, trees, skies, cl...
Jasmine Wicks-Stephens
Oversharing on running two 'successful' businesses with two kids in tow.
Fail Like An Artist
The Fail Like an Artist Newsletter includes the show notes to the most recent episode of our podc...
Nati Pegoraro
Lições valiosas de negócios que só o FRACASSO ensina e que ninguém fala sobre (até agora).
Serena Sigillito
Fairer Disputations is an international community of scholars, public intellectuals, journalists,...
Fairlead Strategies
Actionable trading ideas and thematic technical analysis from Katie Stockton, CMT and Fairlead St...
Fair Play Policy Institute
Valuing unpaid time, fostering more fairness & inspiring individual fulfillment.
Relaxed but informative weekly content specializing in the early Tudor, Wars of the Roses and Ear...
Fairway Research
In-depth fundamental analysis of interesting companies with a focus on intrinsic value.
Keb Burns
We're all sailing "into the West." Meditation, contemplation, inspiration, Scripture, catechesis,...
Ella Dorn
Dispatches from the pagan debris 🪞 piecing together the ice-mirror of film, fashion, language and...
Weekly Reports on Notable Security Incidents; Analysis on Hacks, Vulnerabilities, and Solutions; ...
Fairytales From Ecotopia
Dispatches from a fairytale hunter and dream ecologist...
Fairy Wren Cottage
A gentle read about country life. Tending our cottage & bee friendly organic garden.
Debora Montoli
La vita, il lavoro e le tacche (del cellulare). Metodi e strumenti per lavorare meglio e organizz...
Discussing fashion, design and the love of the craft. The making of more creation, less consumpti...
Kristen Neighbarger
Providing encouragement, anecdotes, and theology for those who have reconstructed their faith aft...
Jason Lief
Loving God and Neighbor by Working for Immigration Reform.
Don Purdum
Empowering Christians to discover the fullness of the faith and live more abundantly in Jesus Christ
Jessica Hetherington
Inspiring people of faith to respond to the climate emergency and ecological crisis.
Fr. Barnabas Powell
Faith Encouraged newsletter is my spot to share how I see the cosmic connection of Orthodoxy to e...
Elizabeth Johnston
The latest stories you need to know from the team at Elizabeth Johnston Ministries.
Constance F. Anderson, M.Ed.
Sharing Goodness, Truth, and Beauty through stories about and photos of some of Louisiana's most ...
Tom Penrod
Welcome to Our Kitchen Table the place to hear and learn God’s words of Hope, Peace and Love
Faith Hub
This blog offers thought-provoking content on spirituality, relationships, culture, etc We aim to...
Karin Miller
Welcome! I have a zeal to stand for God's truth and shine His light in our cities & state. Join m...
Jodi Eichler-Levine
For all your pop culture+ religion needs. Personal essays on the side.
Faith Worley
Sounding the depths and scaling the heights of the trauma-informed Gospel to find healing, wholen...
Faith Is Believing
Welcome! My name is Martha Gayle, and I'm an author passionate about faith-based writing. My book...
Meghan Farnsworth
featuring articles that delve into extremist ideologies, theology, politics, and psychology from ...
Celena Charlene
The Name: "Religion" feels a bit cold and institutional, while "faith" is a heart thing, almost a...
Aaron Nelson
Curious exploration around matters of faith, hope and where God is in the middle of hardship. Not...
Renee Montalvo
Kendra Bork
devotions and explorations of God's word, rooted in the church's seasons
Allan R. Bevere
I am Allan R Bevere, pastor (retired), professor, Bible Moth, Theologian-in-Exile, and Peddler of...
Faith Kuzma
Welcome to my Substack! Hoping to start conversations about gender and the culture now.
Cam Pak
The best place to find and distribute apps for Christians and to dig deeper into the stories and ...
Pastor Chris McKinney
Dive into the power of spiritual leadership in your home and life. Get practical insights and enc...
Annie Atkins
Every time you see a character in a movie read a newspaper... somebody, somewhere had to make tha...
Michael Huemer
Reasonable thoughts about philosophy, politics, and other interesting stuff.
Jack Torrance
The Battle for the Mind of North America will be Fought in the Video Arena
Thiago Silva
Escrevo sobre coisas, seja elas quais forem, quando me dá na telha.
Eric Falden
Where I hammer out my stories. Join this ragtag fellowship to explore the intersection of history...
Rene Bruentrup
Blending single stock, macro and thematic research into powerful bull and bear cases.
Shihab S Joi
British Bangladeshi, raised strictly Muslim but now a confirmed heathen, here to share the life l...
Fallible Father
One father bumping his way through the world, hoping to help guide his children through this craz...
Olamide Olagunju
Falling is my creative child and friend. A space to pour my creative juice and watch it trickle d...
Kimberley Jones
Telling my story so you feel less alone. Sharing my gifts to help you share yours 💖
Miranda Ruth Gill
Finding meaning, when everything seems to be falling apart. Inspired by my journey through chron...
Sarah Kelsey
Writing, mostly nature, mostly Georgia, from a neurodivergent perspective.
Wendy Mewes
Wendy Mewes writes about liminal landscapes, paths into the past, spirit of place and solitude. I...
Viola Weinhold
Midlife and Mayhem; The Heroine’s Journey; Relationships, Marriage, and Divorce; Single Life afte...
Falling Tree
A quarterly newsletter about listening... New audio imaginations, reflections on documentary-maki...
Ed Fallon
The Fallon Forum is a radio program, podcast, and blog established by former State Rep Ed Fallon ...
Fallon Clark
Original writing and exploratory pieces, musings, heart-led philosophical/political rants, terrai...
Dustin Du Cane
Tales from the urban fringe of history, war, law and politics. It's a dirty job, but someone has ...
Thomas Foydel
Resettled into a farming life, surrounded by Great Lakes and wealthy vacationers, the author asks...
Warner Mendenhall
Fighting Federal, State, and Municipal Fraud. Supporting Whistleblowers.
Arturo Dzvyenka
Everything you always wanted to know about narrative critique, but were too afraid to ask.
Brady Oltmans
An outlet dedicated to covering the programs, players, coaches and communities that make women's ...
Frederick Woodruff
Disrespectful HOT TAKES on Pop TV, Porn Creep, and the Self-Publishing Hustle with Astrologer Fre...
Néstor Planes
Empresa familiar valenciana de cuarta generación que sigue gestionando su patrimonio con una visi...
Danyela Souza Egorov
Families for New York uses news, interviews, and the stories of everyday New Yorkers to help fami...
Jeff Jones
Tips for families with a loved one at some stage of addiction or recovery to create conditions th...
Candace Nichole
A Sunday newsletter that honors the power of community through the beauty of sustaining ourselves...
Lynne Reeves Griffin
Sensational books and practical insights into the conflicts at the heart of our lives.
Whitney Weiss
A newsletter sharing stories and recipes from my kitchen, family life, and beyond. Expect delicio...
Lukas Volger
Stopping by with a new recipe every week, with a focus on weeknight friendly, high-protein vegeta...
John Earl
Personal stories about ordinary people living in extraordinary times.
Patrick T Brown
A weekly update on the policies and ideas that can better support parents and strengthen families...
Curated movies and series that won't turn your kids into wierdos.
Stories about the families and people in my past, near and far, as well as posts about doing the ...
Rebecca C Mandeville LMFT CCTP
Your financial support allows me to research and publish on FSA and advocate globally for adult s...
Family Scripts
A parenting and personal growth newsletter that’s also full of activity ideas, book suggestions, ...
Stephanie H. Murray
A weekly round-up of interesting research on demography, family policy, and other family stuff. A...
Family Values @ Work
How you can help us advocate for and win paid family and medical leave in the USA
This is a Substack about culture called the Famous and Beloved Newsletter.
Kaitlyn and Lizzie
who do you know here?????? party reviews by two adult women who don't know anyone at all.
Kelly Rafferty
personal essays in text and audio from the land of queer embodiment
Monia Ali
Fandom psychology, ethnography and history. Documenting the consecration and corporate exploitati...
Fandom Pulse
Fandom Pulse is your source for the hardest hitting pop culture entertainment journalism. http://...
Tom Taylor
This newsletter from author and podcaster Tom Taylor will change your life by making you spend fi...
Dr. Jessica Ann Hughes
What if being a Christian looked like being a Swiftie, Jedi, or Wizard?
Alessia Savi
Racconto di libri e letteratura, di arte e mitologia, di scrittura e creatività. Parlo di stori...
Aaron Hodges
Join the official substack of Aaron Hodges and discover epic worlds, amazing characters and terri...
Miriam Kresh
Quirky stories about people who experience strange things in strange places.
Fantastic Comics
A gossipy rag about the goings-on in a neighborhood comic book shop in Berkeley
Fantasy Baseball Mindset
The Nexus of Fantasy Baseball & Decision Making
Madeleine Voge
Fantasy is so camp ✧ flash fiction, design, pop culture, medieval memes
Fantasy Club Books
Short reviews about indie comics and updates on the store, may also feature some interviews and o...
Icarus E Galaxy
In this room, you will read fantasy, Sci-fi, Teen fiction, and more! Follow and subscribe to be c...
Andrew Zimba
Worldbuilding tips to help you elevate your writing, storytelling, or TTRPG campaign.
Jonas Lübkert
Newsletter über die aktuelle Woche in Superheld*innengossip, -memes und Comics
Shade of Achilles
Observations, speculations & c. from both sides of the Hajnal Line
Diana @ Faraway Places
A newsletter about (a) moving to France and (b) shopping in France.
Vincent Nesler
Chroniques fictionnelles dont le narrateur est un farfadet imaginaire hantant les forêts du Poito...
Subscribe now for exclusive artisanal drops and the inspiring narratives of our talented artisans!
Michele Barzaghi
Marketing per farmacie. Storie di errori e successi di farmacisti imprenditori.
Alex Zeidner
Musings of a first generation farm owner about sovereignty, motivation, and growing through farm ...
Robert Furtkamp
Albums that should exist, but don't - fake covers, fake stories, the best fake music albums in hi...
Adam T Kuznia
Farming Full-Time is gonzo agricultural journalism where tractor breakdowns meet cultural critici...
Stacy Bronec
Stories I would tell around the kitchen table—weaving together motherhood, marriage, and farm lif...
Informação cultural do Brasil e do mundo, playlists e textos originais, com curadoria de José Emi...
¡Hola! Soy Sofi y esto es Fárrago, mi newsletter en el que reflexiono sobre cosas que observo y m...
Farrer Wealth Advisors
The Farrer Wealth newsletter includes our latest blog posts, updates, and general articles we fin...
Renee Green
If you don't like people who ask questions, I recommend you do not subscribe. I ask questions.
J. Todd Scott
Far Six...the fictional ranch where I ride the range and muse about publishing, screenwriting...a...
Neste blog você poderá aprender mais sobre a Terceira Posição Política. Inscreva-se para não perd...
Emma Saadi
For people who have a flight to catch but don't know what to wear to the airport 🕊️
Matthew Lilley
Many falsehoods are beloved, some truths widely scorned. These are their stories.
Make fashion sustainable
A newsletter about how our fashion choices are affecting the planet and steps we can take as indi...
Amparo Palou Schwartzbaum
Crystal balls, commercial sensibility and deft curation. Welcome to the world of the fashion buyer.
Fashion Cold Case
Fashion Cold Case is on the beat for fashion, home decor, art and music intel. We are your perso...
Fashion Culture
What makes fashion interesting? Stories, insights, and thoughts on the present and futures of fas...
Fashion & Founders
Fashion & Founders The Podcast Fashion Tech, Circularity, and Innovation
Fashionismo | Thereza Chammas
O FASH!mail é o Fashionismo na sua caixa de email, no conforto do seu Substack! Falamos sobre mod...
Julia Vydolob
I discover great fashion in Tel Aviv and beyond and speak to people behind it.
Fashion Roundtable
Fashion Roundtable is the only think tank dedicated to reimagining a responsible, inclusive and s...
Bryce Quillin
FSW focuses on how strategy, economics, tech, and sustainability impact fashion, luxury, and the ...
A newsletter covering a broad spectrum of fashion and fashion-adjacent things.
Sandra Mathey García-Rada
Un newsletter que te retará a dejar de lado los estereotipos asociados a la moda para entenderla ...
Covering the latest news, tournaments, great matches and funniest content from the Age of Empires...
Trusted Reviews
Fast Charge is the latest newsletter delivering your weekly dose of unfiltered opinions and exclu...
Stephen Farrugia
Design and Technology research, ideas, and opinions by Stephen Farrugia
James Pethokoukis
Discovering, creating, and inventing a better world through technological innovation, economic gr...
Johan Holst
Get FREE templates and how-to guides on workshopping and product innovation sent to your inbox, o...
Ben Reid
How exponential technology is defining the future of New Zealand...and what we can do about it.
Sofia B.
Newsletter über Feministisches, Medizinisches, Politisches und gelegentlich Literarisches.
Leslie Dennis Taylor
A newsletter for people ready to learn how to heal chronic diseases, take control of their health...
Share excellent articles about Swift, SwiftUI, Core Data, SwiftData every week
Paola Chiara Masuzzo
Storie di papere e monellerie. Di come ho imparato a colorare fuori dai bordi.
Tony Stevens
I help single dads rebuild self-confidence after separation so they can show up stronger for thei...
Matthew Sloane
Helping dads live in greater authenticity with their deepest selves ⭕
Nicholas Gonzales
Are you a Christian dad wanting to raise your children in God's light, free from the shadows of p...
somewhat reformed ex-party girl living in NYC. irreverent tales from my salad days, horror & cul...
Father Nathan Monk
Home of Unholy Sh+t, the Russia Essays, and my upcoming podcast Literary Anarchism.
Varun Duggirala
Musings and notes from a father about Life, Leadership, Longevity, Love & Legacy
Fr Gregory
Some things we can only learn in the desert and some things the desert can only teach at night. T...
Fatima Bhutto
A writer is someone who pays attention to the world, Susan Sontag said. I'll try to do that here.
Fat Joy with Sophia Apostol
Personal stories & practical strategies for cultivating Fat Joy. This is a community of people jo...
Harrie M
The Big Fat Newsletter, that you never knew you needed. Tell all your Fat Friends - We ride at Da...
Chris Ryburn
A newsletter for aspiring traders. Trade Psychology, Trade Setups, and a transparent look inside...
Everything Fat Liberation, Social Justice and Autism
Roberta Zantedeschi
Cosa siamo se non la somma delle relazioni che coltiviamo? Con noi, con gli altri e con gli event...
Fat Turkey Farm
The adventures of life on a sheep farm, spinning, knitting, weaving, circular sock knitting and r...
Kevin Robles
FBS is at the intersection of news, shopping, and the cultural zeitgeist. I report on business, o...
Ed Brophy
This is Fault Lines, a newsletter that explores the forces fracturing our world and what they mea...
Climbing on the hard edge of reality. This is my dream. This is my Nightmare.
Tessa Augsberger
A newsletter by Tessa about style, adventure, art, and why we think the way we think.
A. Paul Myers
An eclectic blend of my various personas: Writer, Artist, Reader, Polaroid and Vinyl Enthusiast, ...
Kate Dries
There are over 100 recipes in my family cookbook. I've only made a fraction of them, and am now r...
Fernanda Lopes
Um menu de dicas de séries, filmes, novelas, podcasts, rolês, comidas, músicas e toda a sorte de ...
Morgan Dick
Notes on reading, writing, and mental health from a (somewhat messy) debut novelist.
Favour Oluwagbemiro NEWSLETTER
Education, Career, Personal & Professional Development Strategies.
Fawkes and Fae
Substack of StijnFawkes and FireFae for their magickal manifestation journey to create for themse...
Faye Simanjuntak
An irregular (and often manic) newsletter by the Instagram user formerly known as @chocodaawg.
Faye Treacy
Writer/screenwriter/comedian. I play the trombone pretty damn well, but I gave up drinking becaus...
Matheus Morigoni
Ensaios e crônicas. Aquela pretensiosidade de sempre. Talvez outras ideias.
Fazil Crypto
Las últimas novedades del mundo crypto al grano y píldoras sobre Bitcoin. Resumido en una newslet...
Laís Webber
A Faz Sentido? é uma newsletter mensal em que eu escrevo sobre coisas que estão passando na minha...
Nancy Woods
My take on current events, mixed with liberal political commentary, snark, and satire, because Go...
Hannah Forsyth
Historian Hannah Forsyth writes about capitalism, work, and higher education...and her personal p...
F*ck Off Everton Podcast
F*ck Off Everton is an Everton podcast co-hosted by writers Nathan O'Hagan and Bill Cummings. Th...
Jack Morrison
There’s a whole culture around getting stuff out there fast, money loving speed, etc. But that ca...
Dave Brennan
microreviews of the literature you don't yet know you love. & other things, occasionally.
Andrei Mihail
Scriu despre fotbal, dar nu despre joc, ci despre lucrurile care mă fascinează în afara terenului...
Kris Mole
Blurring the lines between fiction and memoir, often dark, seasoned with stories from the road. ...
K. Scott Forman
If you want the slow chill of fear tingling at the back of your neck, or gooseflesh on your arms ...
Corri Johnson
Welcome to Fearless and Joyful! It’s my hope that leaving here you will be encouraged, uplifted, ...
Steve Devas
Triumph of the fearless! • Music & dance for the Bay Area • Revolution for the world!
Rebecca Wisent
Owl in America || Notes from an American Environmentalist: chronicling the Trump years from an en...
Angela McArdle
Bolding calling out tyranny and finding the path back to liberty.
Samphy Y
Welcome to Fearless Productivity! Your go-to source for actionable tips and insights to conquer p...
Emanuel Pastreich
Publication featuring speeches and articles by Emanuel Pastreich, director of the Center for Trut...
Steve Templeton, PhD.
Fighting back against a germophobic safety culture.
Feast of Assumption
a hand offered to reconnect tech and policy with agrarian ingenuity
Clyde Watson
Award-winning children’s author will post excerpts from works-in-progress, reflections on writing...
Jerry Weiss
A meeting place hosted by Jerry Weiss for activists and their supporters
Shane Elliott
We use arbitrary rules and stats to compare the impact of everyone's favorite heroes and villains...
Feature Shoot
Feature Shoot showcases the work of photographers who are transforming the medium through compell...
Rosemary Van Gelderen
Hey there Welcome to the wilderness! Sitting by the brook Cherowith and waiting for some morsels ...
The Executives Edge
Federal Consulting is your go-to resource for navigating the complex world of federal contracting...
federico wengi
I am a VC tech investor that loves chatting about stocks and showing how I invest my personal mon...
Clara Belize Wisner
A weekly ancestral meal plan and nourishing tips for families
Ben Emons
Daily commentaries about markets, macro, Fed, data, earnings, stocks & bonds, politics and crypto.
Saby Reyes-Kulkarni
apostate music journalist | I write about music, culture, sports, parenting, anxiety, and the mad...
marta estadella colomé
✍️ A place to share some professional advice and tips to help those art conservators that need it...
Sophie Wyburd
A newsletter by @sophiewyburd. Bringing you exclusive recipes, as well as product and restaurant ...
B.A. Lampman
Food for the creative and curious: inspiration, kinship, and personal essays of the vulnerable pe...
Writing news and the occasional prompt from Kathryn Kulpa, author of Cooking Tips for the Demon-H...
S.L. Stallings
Feed Your Head with fiction, short stories, serial fiction, paranormal horror, tech horror, micro...
Feel good food. Feel good mood. Feel good reflection. Wellness without judgment.
Tom Piccirilli
The weekly newsletter that empowers you to make confident parenting decisions. Parenting is all ...
Jenna O'Brien
A personal diary about the intersection of design and feelings from an artist with a whole lot of...
Alexis Reliford
A bi-weekly newsletter about books, life, and well, life with books.
Elfie Beloved
A publication of personal essays/reflections on life as we live it, and a little music performanc...
Meghan Watson
A place to see yourself in words. Thoughts and reflections for people on the journey to personal ...
Hanna Waters
Something like feeling around in a dark room for the light switch. A wannabe wormhole. Poetry & e...
David Blair
Separating your feelings from your identity by identifying feelings. These are stories about triu...
Awake Yoga Meditation
Powerful tools for you to feel love now—and at any moment. Techniques and teachings from yoga phi...
Marc Crousillat
Each week, I'll select a video from my years-in-the-making playlist and curate a blend of insight...
Chris Koslowski
Essays on culture, anxieties, and miscellany while reviewing every song from the Macho Man Randy ...
feesgarden digs & potterings
feesgarden earthly digs, on all our data critters and cave(r)ats in the billabong interleaved wit...
Marika Heinrichs
News and writing from wildbody somatics. Recovering + practicing ancient wisdom at the intersecti...
Jeff Nania
We believe the best writing comes from personal experiences, those in which we get our “feet wet....
fefe resende
comunicação pessoal pra gente se disponibilizar no nosso melhor e se conectar, colaborar, trocar,...
Nossas tetas nossas regras. Uma newsletter feminista-vegana com nossos papos de questão de gêner...
Byron Clark
Byron Clark and guest writers looking at disinformation and the alt-right
Grief and joy, hope and humor, grit and grace swirling together. Sharing stories -- yours, mine, ...
felicia rembrandt
My feminism is radical and centres women and I wonder why everyone's doesn't.
Marco Mazzei
Una città per vivere bene – e se non c'è ancora, come costruirla
Felicity Levey
A newsletter on how to create a purposeful, fulfilling, and impactful life.
Felipe Raitano
Opa! Nesse espaço compartilho minha jornada criando vários negócios exutos e escaláveis. Abordare...
Felipe Santos
Laboratório de experimentação e aprendizado. Acompanhe minha trajetória desenvolvendo um SaaS. Es...
A newsletter based on the movie based on the book "Felipe Torres Medina"
Mi newsletter personal. Por acá publico nueva música y también historias sobre mi proceso creativo.
Assaph Mehr
Musing from Assaph (and Felix) on the Three-R's — Reading, Writing, and Romans — of Felix the Fox...
Felix Trench
Deep dives, thoughts and resources about the craft of acting.
Anouk Knuffmann
Your female-focused newsletter about personal finance and investing in ETFs, stocks and real esta...
Agata Nowicka
Stay up to date with startup news, fundraising tips, and investment ecosystem updates, and help u...
Rebecca Jones-Howe
I'm Rebecca and I write horror fiction inspired by horrors from my perfectly content and totally ...
female intern
i'm danielle. i type my opinions, send them in this email, and NO one pays me for it. where's the...
Giles English
Female-centred femdom in which she's in charge for real. Informed musings about submission and ch...
Astrid Bracke
The online place for small business owners and freelancers who refuse to hustle. Resources, strat...
Grace Byron
Occasional musings and writings about art by Grace Byron. Cover Image: Greer Lankton
Katt Ford
Erotic tales of female domination. Looking for tales of beautiful, powerful ladies who know what ...
fêmea feroz
reflexões sobre ecofeminismo, materialidade e políticas do corpo na contemporaneidade; mulheres s...
A project dedicated to the pursuit of feminine virtues/frame and an honest exploration of cultiva...
Kat Rosenfield
A podcast for problematic faves, dissident feminism, and interrupting poodles.
Kate Harding
Feminism and dogs are the only things I care about anymore. But I care about them a lot.
Coletiva Mariz
Conteúdos sobre feminismo radical desde Brasília-DF, Brasil.
Elisabetta Moro
"Posso riscrivere la mia nascita come soggetto femminista in termini di emozioni diverse" S. Ahmed
Feminist Food Journal
An online magazine and podcast dedicated to a feminist food future.
Becky Mollenkamp
A weekly roundup of news and features at the intersection of business and feminism.
Feminists for Liberty
Libertarian feminist voices, values, and events. Emails sent 1-2 times per month.
FEMME // FOWARD_ holds the stories, lessons, learnings and reminders from female-identifying lead...
Anna Menale
La letteratura femminista attraverso le parole delle autrici che hanno reso questo movimento ciò ...
Roinmar Durán | BusinessMentor
🌹Honra tu Ser Mujer y LIDERA CON SOBERANÍA INTERNA, desde tu esencia femenina, en danza con la en...
Sarah Nöckel
Femstreet is a media platform amplifying female voices, accelerating their success and creating a...
Ben Fen
Safe, side-effect free, OTC, inexpensive fenbendazole eradicates cancer. Detailed Case Reports pr...
Amanda E. White
A therapist writing about deciding whether or not to have children, how many, ambivalence in moth...
Fencing Bear at Prayer
I am the professor your other professors warned you about. I worship Jesus Christ as Lord and hon...
K. L. Cobb Jr.
Be part of a community of people who share your interests. If you have a desire and passion for j...
Fennel Seed Co.
FSR is made by 3 South Asian & SWANA friends navigating our 20s as we explore how creativity & pu...
Fennel Skellyman
A photo diary documenting the life of a Punk Queer Elder in The Hudson Valley.
Fê Pandolfi
Bem-vindo à casa dos textões da Fê Pandolfi. Um espaço para a contação de histórias.
Mogli Rivers
wild mothering, healing relationship to Land, nomadic, documenting the remembering
Anna Judd
Pathologically untamed abstract artist writes about painting, the human condition, and spooky act...
Shyloh K McGIll
I am a trauma informed practitioner offering group support in my Feral Gatherings. .It's also a p...
Janine Bajus
The joy of color! Fair Isle knitting, creativity, the world of textiles, food, books, and whateve...
Weekly comics about a group of morally questionable friends getting themselves into, and out of, ...
Christina Ferguson
Filmmaking is a labor of love, and I'm here to take you on the journey of making my first feature...
Fermental Health
half-baked, gelatinous, send-it-back thoughts on labour, food loops, fermentation & enviromental ...
Lars Peterson
Exploring the power of Precision Fermentation to transform the way we eat.
Fernanda Carcamo
A newsletter on work philosophy and understanding our ever-changing modern world.
Fernanda Haffner, PhD
Learn about the perks of a plant-based diet from a scientist. My conviction: When we care for our...
Fernando de Córdoba
Fern (writing FernMusing)
Fern muses on the war; books & publishing; Israel & Jews; memoir & lit agenting; Covid & health;...
Jon T
Ferns of Columbo is a short fiction publication experimenting with themes of identity, transforma...
Mathilda Ferguson
"A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart." ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Fer's Newsletter
Welcome to Fer's Newsletter - your weekly source of inspiration, knowledge, and personal and prof...
Caitlin Estes
Practical education & faithful conversations about fertility from Certified FertilityCare Practit...
Dr. Huang
Dr. Huang shares questions from patients, residents, fellows, staff, and medical students regardi...
Leslie Schrock
The latest science, industry news, and practical advice for reproductive health enthusiasts
I help women get pregnant, stay pregnant & have healthy babies. Fertility is Natural, Natural Med...
Fernanda Stenzel
Desassossegos da alma. Reflexões, diários, textões, poemas, arte, colagens, frases.
Tired of superficial news? Join the likes of people from Palantir, Macquarie and others who indul...
Christina Loff
A home for my creative writing, lightly edited and mostly written in workshops.
Sarah | Fewer & Better
A maximalist's attempt to live a more edited life: think Nancy Meyers meets Marie Kondo. Also at ...
Far From All Time High (FFATH)
Get the latest and most relevant Crypto news
Silvia Lombardi Lo Spazio Vago
Fiammiferi è la newsletter de Lo Spazio Vago. Ci ritroviamo qui ogni mese per accendere tre fiamm...
Kiersten Figurski
A Maker's Community Join me in my process-reflections on crochet, knitting and other rebellious a...
A newsletter dedicated to exploring the poetic intersection between fiber and cloth and how we ca...
Pandora Dylan Gorman
I am a writer ~an author of short stories novels and literary fiction. Soy escritora~ soy autora ...
Evan Hicks
The digital home for the self-published one-person anthology comic series by budding cartoonist, ...
Abhisek Basu
The best fiction newsletter, delivering all of Abhisek Basu's stories directly to your inbox
Christopher Bucchere
Someone once said that being a writer is like being a lawyer with no responsibilities. If that's ...
Sarah Lewis
How we write, tell stories, and do culture about climate change. Also pics of my cat.
Emma Hemingford
Your literary agony aunt. I solve your problems with advice from classic books.
Erin Lunde
Fiction meets creative non-fiction in a choose-your-own-adventure vote-for-your-favorite-ending game
Fiction Attic Press
We publish flash fiction, serial fiction, personal essays, and memoir by new and established writ...
Liath LaVerne Hawke
Fiction Bites is a podcast of fictional stories and a blog about Liath’s writer, artist, and crea...
Bruno T.
Maybe you didn’t notice, but this is my little corner for stories from my life and also the ficti...
Austin Dragon
The fiction universe of Author Austin Dragon -- science fiction, epic fantasy, and classic horror...
Tim Silvester
I have a SciFi story that I need to share! I am also passionate about sharing my 30+ years of he...
Lucas Mangum
Musings from the horror fiction underground by father, author, and weirdo Lucas Mangum.
Olivia Mann
Hey there, welcome. Mystery Writer, Nut job. I love Fantasy, Role play (lit RPG) and Mystery. Joi...
Angelica Walker-Werth
The purpose of this Substack is to combine my interest in fiction and philosophy by reflecting on...
Fiction Owl
Slice-of-life fictional short stories from the (near) future. We are tired of your dystopia.
M.J. Hines
A test lab for writing - & sometimes thinking - that bridges the gap between fiction, communicati...
P.C.M. Christ
Nancy Oglesby
The home for your drabbles! 100-word stories, written in response to prompts provided by Fiction ...
Vanessa Fabiano
Bite-sized reads from work in progress. Pure fiction, zero spam.
Fiction. Nonfiction, too. Writing related to travel destruction, failure, passion. Volition.
Fiction Vortex
Trends and Craft in Writing with an Emphasis on StoryVerses, Serialization, and Episodic Story Arc
Lisa Kenway
An honest behind-the-scenes look at publishing a debut novel, tips for writers, inspiration for c...
Connie Briscoe
Craft and creativity for fiction writers | By a bestselling author of nine novels.
Nicolas Cole
Actionable frameworks & ChatGPT prompts for timeless storytelling techniques.
A weekly newsletter dedicated to fiction of all shapes, creativity, language learning, linguistic...
Fictitious Capital
Explainers on energy, finance, and geopolitics to understand the base layer of our world.
Christina M. Ward
Fiddleheads & Floss brings you articles about writing, poetry, and living your best life. Focus t...
Zach Wissner-Gross
The place for mathematical puzzles and the puzzling community. Two new puzzles every Friday morning!
Geo Chen
Global macro views from a trader with over two decades of institutional trading experience. Multi...
Jason Anthony
A weekly essay/newsletter on the transformed Earth - as it is, as it was, and as it might be - th...
Scott Agness
Taking you behind the scenes and inside the locker room with the Indiana Pacers and Fever. The la...
Steph Marasca
Poetry about nature and connection, musings on how to move softly through life with love, and the...
Kaitlin Barker Davis
a newsletter about travel and motherhood — infrequent dispatches from the places I inhabit
Field notes from a creator for creators. Behind-the-scenes, insides looks, and more.
Ella Watkinson
Thoughts, notes and prints inspired by the everyday joys of the natural world.
Zoe Yang
Katrina Jane
Artist-Mother interviews, poetic impressions and inspired encounters. New posts shared weekly on ...
Agami India
Join us to discover the learnings, stories and communities that make up the heart of law and just...
Keel Hunt
Keel’s Field Notes, which often become newspaper columns, are more frequent posts about politics,...
Kelly Schirmann
Infrequent sketches of life from the field; a working artist's travel diary; pieced essays of cur...
Erik Hogan
Photography, backpacking, and philosophical hatchetwork. Inspired by life in the wild.
Freya Bromley
A newsletter by Freya Bromley. Collecting field notes on love, loss and the restorative power of ...
Kyle McDougall
Thoughts on photography and the creative process. A behind-the-scenes including new work, project...
Rowen Brooke
Field Notes is a newsletter to keep up with offerings and news related to Tiny Magic Flower Truck...
missy j. kennedy 〰️
Illustrated musings on nature, pop culture, and identity in our strange world.
Hannah King
Poetry and prose woven with the earth and sky. A woman finding home in the wild places, writing h...
Alfonso Ballesteros
Useful insights on Business and Tech in Hong Kong, China and the region. Delivered weekly, 5 min...
Rachel Stevens
An Outdoor Educator's journal. Ideas and inspiration for learning to create a better world
Sean Wyer
A newsletter that is often about lunch, but sometimes about other necessities: drinking, reading,...
Shanyn Vitti-Avila
Research on finding wonder in the mundane and messy.
Jess Lynn
a seasonal journey of becoming + belonging through nature, poetry, and story
Dr. Wednesday Martin
Follow along to stay updated on Dr. Martin's latest book progress & process.
Alexander C. Kaufman
Original reporting and on-the-ground analysis on energy, climate, and getting by in a hotter world.
Jade Barlow
Inside a black ops government program that is targeting citizens across the globe.
Stephanie Krzywonos
Living and working in Antarctica as a Latina. More-than-humans. Climate grief. Polar histories. M...
Kourtney Wellette
What if there was more to mental health care? The science says there should be & I am the am the ...
Christi York (Artist)
Art from nature, where the material is often the muse. Basketry tutorials, making ink, seasonal i...
Manoj Dias
Meditations on the meeting point of well-being, spirituality, science, and culture.
Beverley Nolan
A pilgrimage into the world of embodied anatomy, somatic psychology, and contemplative movement.
Lisa Klieger
the intersection of queer magic, mythology and the marrow of bones
Sara Elise
bimonthly observations, lessons, journaling prompts, musings, gratitude, and sometimes guidance e...
Alchemizing my most mundane moments and deepest suffering into an offering worth reading.
Essays, poems and reflective musings exploring the complexities of modern life, fatherhood and se...
Meghan J. Ward
Author Meghan J. Ward explores what it means to live a life off the beaten track, feel the edges ...
Patrick Witty
Observations and opinions on photography. Deep dives into the many ways of seeing. Viewer discret...
Kristen Drozdowski
Sharing how creative practice can lead us through self-discovery.
Bonny Reichert
A happy plunge into food stories and recipes, spreading a sense of joy and abundance in the kitchen
Field Rat
The thoughts, feelings, and experiences of a woman in progressive organizing.
Practicable wisdom and actionable blueprint on everything Sales - Strategy, Ops and Incentives
Scott Paterson
a monthly newsletter reviewing signals of change. Each issue presents quotes, poems, stories, and...
Hans G. Schantz
How Electromagnetism & Quantum Mechanics Work, And Where Physics Went Wrong
Jordan Westfall
A meditation on the intersection of creating & being through essays, illustrations, and poetry.
David Blistein
These days I write about what writers do when not writing, life on the streets of Brattleboro VT,...
Lauren Scarlett
Field Trip is a homebase for the research and references that inform the work and life of designe...
Adrienne J
Creating health, strength, and resilience for yourself, your family, and future generations
Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis
Join me in pursuing ferocious courage and rule-breaking kindness that can heal the world.
Eleanor O'Rourke
Unlock your killer creativity with author and creativity coach, Eleanor O'Rourke
Julia Kostraba
Occasional thoughts on Orthodox Christianity, femininity, and human nature.
Mary Joan Cunningham
Stories and studies about getting through life's tough moments. Called "candid, fierce storytelli...
Sue Kusch
A newsletter about journeys and aging. Exploring the final decades of our lives: our places, dre...
Sean Tubbs
An experiment in reporting about local governments across a cohesive Fifth District that is unfor...
Joseph D'Andrea
My (hopefully unpretentious) thoughts on movies, old and new. This is a spoiler-free space. "I'm ...
Nate Crosser
Emerging biotechnologies and concepts for an ecological revolution. To enable a multi-planetary, ...
shreyas sinha
the world's better than you think. every week i follow the facts on macro and policy and show you...
Kim Smyth
Short stories featuring different topics based on prompts or whatever you choose!
Rt Hon Steve Baker FRSA
Unique insights into UK and international politics, public policy, prosperity and society derived...
David J. Toscano
What is happening in state politics and policy-and how it affects our democracy
Joseph D. McBride, Esq.
Sacrifice is the lifeblood upon which greatness is achieved. Light is > darkness. Be the Light. VRS
Fight to Repair Newsletter
Fight to Repair reports from the front lines of the global fight for the right to repair our stuf...
Lynn Finnegan
Weekly illustrated stories about Fig and Ishka, two friends trying to show up to the world’s curr...
Kristin Fellows
A sketchbook of stories about daily life in a small farming village in Portugal @ https://portugu...
hailee nueske
my personal thoughts, poems, creative non-fictions, essays, rants, and so on, so forth.
Patrick Keedy Brown
A modern literary review hosting similarly up-and-coming writers.
Jeff Fogle
Determining how “sharps” (professional wagerers) are betting major sports events. Strongly influe...
Connor Warman
Uncommon and unpopular ideas for building a life in your 20s and beyond that your parents and pro...
Jesús Escudero
Análisis explicativos de datos + Un repaso quincenal a la producción estadística en España. Por J...
Olive Cooke
Extended files on home building, outfits, trips, interiors and general life happenings.
Neil Lord
a music journal collecting albums and oddities from outsider & niche music communities.
Filipe Gonzaga Miranda
Filipe leverages his experience in leading teams and global exploration to help you get more from...
Filip L. Firlej
Episodic musings on film, what to watch old & new, and "best of" lists. Watching and making movie...
Filip's Investment Strategies
20+ years of beating indexes. Historical data, factors, news, earnings reports, option flows driv...
Stacy Morrison
Change. Loss. Grief. These are some of the blanks we face in life. And somehow, we find ways to f...
Greg Ashman
"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." – As W. B. Yeats never said
Cameron Oaks Rogers
The internet's version of a cozy chat over coffee, where I spill about what's lighting up my life...
Film Courage
Screenwriters, creators, filmmakers, authors and actors on the creative process.
Film Daze
A newsletter uplifting the unheard and underrepresented voices of the film community. Subscribe t...
Charnice Horne
media analysis at the intersection of pop culture and politics with a sprinkle of fun :)
Sherif M. Awad (Film Critic)
Film Festivals Coverage by Sherif M. Awad, curator in arts & entertainment since 1990
Women in Film & TV Marketing
This is a growing archive of information to assist women in the film industry.
marie ⎊
Stacey Parks
We decode the business of independent filmmaking, film and TV series production, financing strate...
Matthew Zeitoun
Screenplays, Teleplays and Stageplays written / co-written by @matthewzeitoun Based in Paterson, ...
Ansh Singh
A movie review newsletter that delivers the joy of cinematic experience to its subscribers every ...
La newsletter che viene a capo delle cose che ingarbugliano i pensieri. Scritta e districata da s...
Filosofía de bolsillo
Filosofía en vela. Manual narrativo de filosofía para el fin del mundo.
Pol MB
Descubre el mundo detrás del código. Filosofía del Algoritmo te lleva a explorar cuestiones ética...
Fiona Morris
where ancient traditions meet a modern quest for healing and illumination on a journey with Fiona...
Un podcast e una newsletter di Francesca Baraghini. Produzione a cura di NightReview.
A new filter for travel curated by the most intriguing locals. Instagram: Websit...
Aditi Taswala
A story-driven publication anchored in themes of money, finance, and business. We explore event...
Maggie Sun
Mental snapshots, monthly(ish). Mostly meditations on culture, personal happenings, and vignettes...
Filth Mart
Filth Mart is a 26 year old vintage clothing store, t-shirt brand, art studio with lots to talk ...
Leja & Luka
A weekly newsletter keeping 8K+ sexplorers educated and entertained. Subscribe here for a better ...
Samuel Clemenstein
A humorous newsletter that teaches you new vocabulary words daily
Enrico Bertini
Weekly thoughts and learning bites on data visualization, anything data, and the role of AI in da...
Victor Miranda
Investigating the People's Republic of China's Foreign Information Manipulation and Interference.
Final Girls Berlin
The substack newsletter of Final Girls Berlin Film Festival. Join us - IF YOU DARE!
Miguel Ángel Hernández
Esta newsletter dejó de publicarse en diciembre de 2024. No te suscribas.
Marlee Baldridge
Links to gigs, fellowships, & grants in science journalism and science communication.
Nick Bernards
Critical perspectives on finance, capitalism, and our many unfolding crises
Nivaldo Puldón
Dominating the markets requires both knowledge and discipline. After more 30 years working the ma...
Finance and Economics stemming from the context of Russian Invasion of Ukraine. I counter disinfo...
Miquel Cantenys
Una newsletter para inversores que quieran tomar mejores decisiones de inversión.
Vicki Lee Dillard, etc.
— Unique insights, perspectives and experiences from a successful trader and investor since the e...
Sam Belcastro
Inspiring dreams through healthy financial habits. Practical tips and engaging activities helping...
Uncovering how financial institutions break the rules, and get away with it.
Financial Freedom to Kids
I am sharing my notes on financial literacy and financial freedom for kids and parents for the we...
Kanchan Sharma
Financial news, insights, and analysis to help protect your investment portfolio.
John Cronin
Financials Unshackled is a free Independent Banking Insights newsletter from SeaPoint Insights on...
Bobbi Rebell
Financial Wellness Strategies so we can all live our best grownup lives
Jordi Altimira
"Entrepreneurs" nos cuentan de la mano de sus inversoras e inversores cómo financiaron su empresa...
Javier Gómez
🚀Gana tiempo⏱️ libre mientras tu dinero 💸 trabaja por tí
David Román
Examinando la intersección entre las finanzas, la economía y la política, y cómo sacar partido a ...
Alvin Chow
I serve up bite-size insights on the ever-changing world of financial markets. Get ready to stay ...
Jason Leonard
Grow your financial brain. Build wealth. Finbrain helps you grow your financial knowledge so that...
Un newsletter semanal con planes para hacer en Internet y en Buenos Aires 💌 Suscribite acá.
Find Enlight (FiE)
a gift for the curious 🌱 with upcoming events, insights & more here
Find Her in the Highlands
Sunday Times Best selling author, wanderer of Scotland's history and landscape. I live off grid i...
J. Catherine Tetrault
A biweekly, mindful reflection on my year+ nomad journey through Europe and a bit beyond.
Sam DeFranco
Hello! Welcome to my SubStack page where I publish short (2-3 minute long) reflections on various...
Jake Kohl
Topics include: - My journey to qualifying and running in the Boston Marathon - My skill developm...
Finding Compounders
Welcome to Finding Compounders, a substack dedicated to the art of investing in quality companies...
Kate Swenson
Normalizing the secret world of special needs parenting with humor, honesty, hope, and love.
Kate Kern Mundie
A creative life: A fine artist painting the beauty of evolving landscapes, a dinner-weary mom sha...
Molly Totoro
Write your story. Share your Story. Leave a legacy for the next generation.
My personal Substack is a window into the world of a midlife woman who decided to change her life...
Jamison Foser
Important things often unsaid, unimportant things often said, and things in between. Democracy, p...
Travis Silverman
A photo storytelling project that celebrates queer and genderqueer masculinity in those of us who...
Jan Peppler
Insights to finding home & creating home from a home researcher who has lived in many places. Usi...
Finding Home Elsewhere
Less Paris, more la province. As an ex-NYC teacher and lifelong traveler, I dive into music, food...
Joy Lere, Psy.D.
Inbox conversations straight from the couch of clinical psychologist Dr. Joy Lere. I share my pe...
Aysu Selin
Embracing Diversity and Building Bridges Between Cultures
Iris Jamahl Dunkle
Finding Lost Voices weekly email that brings back the voices of those who have been forgotten or ...
Robert Maynord
These fictional stories draw inspiration from philosophy, psychology and the sacred traditions.
Jeff Wise
The second season of Deep Dive: MH370, an investigative podcast about the 2014 disappearance of a...
Growth alone is overrated and resilience is underrated. Invest in companies that treat their capi...
El crecimiento por sí solo está sobrevalorado y la resiliencia subestimada. Invierte en empresas ...
Felipe Gonzalez
Follow along as I share experiences I’ve had leading to my faith and finding what my purpose in l...
Writing as Rachel A. Benjamin
stories on midlife, menopause and figuring out how to get older.
Alison Taylor-Brown
What writing and history can teach us about leading an intentional, joyful life.
Isabelle Drury
Finding Sanity is a newsletter about making sense of the world we live in and imagining the world...
Jazmon Bradley
From chaos to Shalom. Exchanging fear, anxiety, and overwhelm with love to restore myself back to...
Sophie Ingleby
Simple living is the dream, but is it realistic? Feel left behind & alone? Join a community of mo...
a place where i dump the musings that happen (usually some form of poetry, but can always expand)
Maggie Glennon
The journey of a 30-something navigating the ebbs & flows of breaking cycles, grieving, and healing.
Xander Miller
Overcoming meaning crisis and existential crisis through Hope in the Father, Faith in the Son and...
Jolie Doggett
A Substack and podcast all about journaling and self discovery. There's no right or wrong way to ...
Lorren Lemmons
Stories that open the gate to better understanding ourselves and each other.
Jill Ebstein
Alfred and Hannah are teens figuring out their world. They are quirky, smart, confused and... bes...
Kate Hanley
Writings and podcast conversations about the creative process. Every piece of work, and each of u...
Rose Rickford
Tom Kuegler
Lessons learned from a 31 year old who rejected a "normal" life in the USA, and now lives as an e...
Rick McClelland
A comedy column featuring LMAO-worthy content from around the internet + the original comedic wri...
Jon Swanson
A place with stories and tools to help you be more comfortable as you help others in hard times.
Sue Higgins.
Musings on a creative life, wellbeing, art, poetry, what it means to be human and finding your cr...
Ami L Thompson
Join me on a journey of self discovery: let's learn to be comfortable with who we are, find inspi...
Jessica Kantrowitz
Welcome to the community page for the Finding Your Voice Writing Workshop! Weekly and monthly con...
Joaquin Roibal
I share my story through writing to help my readers gain resiliency to overcome any challenge and...
Jenny Fraser
The interiors newsletter by journalist Jenny Fraser. Come and join us! I have plans to grow this...
Kelsey Abbott
Helping you live an awesome, joyful, ease-filled, soul-aligned life. Join us for monthly Communit...
Kelsey Abbott
Sharing delicious, nutritious creations to help you fuel your amazing body
Barbara Doane
A newsletter and podcast for people who want more magic out of life. Join me on a journey into hu...
Kim Adams
Reflections on self-acceptance and finding full expression of your unique self.
Discover newsletters that fit your interests. Subscribe to FYN for best newsletter recommendations
Alfred Burgesson
Helping entrepreneurs and leaders build a better world and find their Tribe 🧡🚀
Jordan Rhea
A lifestyle companion and community that supports the diet-curious to optimize overall well-being.
Jordan Trevino
Empowering your financial journey, one post at a time. Join me every week as we navigate budgetin..., Inc.
The newsroom that keeps you up-to-date every day of the year.
For the DIY investor, a guide to stock portfolio construction and active portfolio management. I ...
Rita J. King
Michelangelo's assistants helped him achieve his work in his lifetime and beyond. I'm one of his ...
Our goal is to provide research on undervalued and unheard stocks to every retail Investor. Our n...
Finlay Beach
Author, Finlay Beach shares Managed Paranoia - Book One. The near-future is like today—only more ...
Finlay Cowan
Living and working, striving and surviving in modern China.
Cara Finnegan
Writer and book coach Cara Finnegan shares ideas about writing with folks who want to tackle fict...
Finn Tropy
Weekly insights, tips, and tools to help you grow as a writer and learn from the best.
Finnlay Dall
A substack for my thoughts on all things film, writing and other mediums.
AYNI @ 🫶
Allan Rayson
Finov8r is the intersection of finance, technology and innovation highlighted by the number 8. Th...
The Mercatus Center
FinRegRag is the Mercatus Center's ongoing and informal discussion of all things financial regula...
The world’s #1 finance newsletter. Subscribe now to receive Fortune 500 Accounts Receivable, Acco...
Fin Moorhouse
Lex Sokolin
The Fintech Blueprint delivers original strategic insights to help you build or discover the next...
Jason Mikula
The Business of Fintech: a once-a-week newsletter offering in-depth analysis on trends and storie...
Zarik Khan
Weekly developments in fintech consumer protection and regulatory compliance.
Emily Man
Deep dives on fintech themes and trends. An exploration of our financial systems and the opportun...
Osborne Saldanha
Fintech Inside contextualises & simplifies the complex world of fintech. It provides insights and...
Miguel Armaza
Exclusive interviews with Fintech leaders reshaping the global financial industry and building tr...
Ryan Conway
Digging deep at the intersection of fintech, crypto, business and culture weekly! Bringing the be...
Alan Tsen
Fintech Radar is a weekly missive about all that's happening in the world of fintech.
Jas Shah
Bi-weekly analysis and insights of trends from the fintech universe. Expert insights, wit and wis...
FINTECHTALK™ is the future media publication of iValley Innovation Center and iValley Ventures - ...
Sam Boboev
Your ultimate source for all things fintech, from breaking news to in-depth analyses and insights
Holly Sraeel
FIN features must-know news and analysis, in-depth longreads, research, commentary and podcasts f...
Gustavo Cunha
Fintrender é sobre inovação, tecnologia, blockchain, cripto, stablecoins, web3, CBDC, inteligênci...
Ana Talavera
uma newsletter criada para desatar os nós sobre cultura digital, tecnologia e a sociedade para co...
Fiona Mehta
A chance to highlight the plight of Targeted Individuals, TI. Labelled as delusional or worse! V...
Fionn McCabe
Comics, comics exercises, and a few rambling thoughts on visual storytelling.
Toutes les informations pour réussir tes investissements (immobilier, bourse, crypto, side business)
Trey Sellers
Helping bitcoiners achieve financial independence and FIRE practitioners understand bitcoin.
Tyler Harrison
Dismantling American work culture one word at a time, bringing awareness to Dementia-related issu...
Max Falkowitz
A plant killer's chronicle of growing little trees in the big city, by Max Falkowitz.
Sylvia Oriente Horricks
From a poet, messenger for plants, and spoken word entertainer, sightings by fireflies of societa...
James Ramelli
I write short theologically based articles. Author of The 95 Theses Of Covid & Church: A Defense ...
Heather Cadenhead
Firelight is a monthly newsletter about my life as a writer and mother of two sons, one of whom i...
Anne Roche
Stories and reflections of small changes creating big impact. Because all you can control is how ...
Ross Calvin
Regaining humanity through convex, creative productivity, beauty and freedom of conscience.
James K. Monroe
FiresideOps isn't your typical business newsletter. It’s where we get real about revenue operatio...
Tom Leung
I talk about product management, leadership, and entrepreneurship using a combination of amazing ...
Fireside Stacks
Fireside Stacks is a weekly newsletter from Roosevelt Forward about progressive politics, policy,...
Uranium investor
Alt substack by uranium investor focusing on FIRE strategies with a focus on maximising investmen...
a serialised literary magazine - fortnightly fiery fiction, poetry & artwork in your inbox
Firma Preta
A Firma Preta tem como propósito fazer a ponte entre profissionais negros e indígenas, e empresas...
Sydney Paige Thomas
A substack by Sydney Thomas about all things as they relate to building Symphonic Capital, a VC f...
Denise O’Brien
Denise O'Brien and Larry Harris, unique individuals who chose to remain in their place of birth t...
First Century Faith Today
Encouraging Christians, edifying the church, and equipping preachers
Teddy Kim
Trends and insights across tech, economics, foreign affairs, culture, and more. Studying the arc ...
Jennifer Savran Kelly
brief meditations from a fiction writer on craft, publishing, and chocolate
gena soh
Katherine Mansfield
Essays, musings on motherhood, short stories and flash fiction, and, every once in a while, poems...
Fatima Farheen Mirza
the life behind novels & the writing in between, creative invitations & dog-eared pages— FIRST DR...
Sarah Enni
The free newsletter is a monthly roundup of new episodes of the podcast, and news and information...
Jeff O'Neal co-founder Jeff O'Neal explores the wide bookish world. Interviews, lists, rankings,...
Tad Thurston
Extremely cool things we can know about the Universe with a bit of physics and/or mathematics alr...
Michael Kibedi
My design research examines our experiences of using technology through the interpretative lens o...
Shawn Reynaldo
A newsletter about electronic music and the culture / industry that surrounds it.
First Focus on Children
First Focus on Children is a bipartisan advocacy group advocating to make children and families a...
Conscious Futurist
The First Followers monthly newsletter covers impact investing, venture capital, innovative finan...
first frost
a newsletter about FIRST FROST, our new journal of haiku and senryu
Hema Padhu
A newsletter for startup founders and marketers. I cover positioning, brand, GTM, and leadership.
Andrew Khedoori
First Impressions is new newsletter about new music from the Longform Editions team. It’ll delive...
Karen Mclaughlin
Follow along as we focus on wellness, nature, energy management, and personal/leadership developm...
Oliver Vanice
How to Break Free of Blueprints, Formulas, and the Lies Film Schools Tell You.
Nikita Sokolsky
Observations of the world derived from first principles, attempting to figure out how the world w...
Steve Kirsch
Articles of interest to first responders affected by mandates
Azora Zoe Paknad
I started an ecom marketplace business in 2020 and parted with it at the end of 2022. I had a hel...
Michael Goldfarb
Journalism is the First Rough Draft of History, framing history being made today
Understanding and optimizing the world. Forecasting, tech, finance, effective altruism, and more.
Ben Rowe
A weekly delivery of design-y thoughts, ideas and miscellaneous links from @benhyphenrowe, deliv...
Jon Cochran
News, trends, and insights to help you make better decisions and build a lasting career. Each iss...
Brett Hetherington
For readers who like stimulating & original lit-bits on social & personal issues. From the mind o...
First Toil, then the Grave
Politics, Irish culture, aesthetics, rants, musings
First World Refugee
Brian Muegge
A newsletter outlet covering a broad range of topics relating to wildlife and watershed conservat...
Fish for Life Coaching
proactive/preventative tools, techniques, self-regulating strategies to thrive.
Jake Clemens
my obsession with meaningful adventure as a husband, father, and commercial fisherman
Kathryn Amos
Posts about issues of importance to me, and maybe to you, as well as poetry, occasional fiction, ...
Richard Wilson
An eclectic mix of environmentalism, fly-fishing & the weird and wonderful people I meet along th...
Miranda Waddell
This substack is short stories that I have made based on solely a few words.
Renton Hawkey (*rent)
What if Clint Eastwood's Man With No Name teamed up with Toshiro Mifune's Sanjuro?
Tara Perrot
I write at the intersection of my expertise in neuroscience and my passion for telling the storie...
David Fitch
Musings from the ground on up. Reflections on power, ideology, subjectivity (the formation of sel...
Donna Cornibert
Welcome to "Fit For Divorce," a supportive community born from personal experience and a deep des...
Welcome to FitJourneyTribe! Hey there, fitness enthusiasts! I’m Joe, and I’m thrilled to welcome...
Sahil Ridwan
আর তোমাদেরকে আমি একে অপরের জন্য 'ফিতনা বানিয়েছি, তোমরা কি ধৈর্য্য ধারণ করবে? - সূরা ফুরক্বান : ২০
Ryan | Coach
Fitness Coach helping men burn fat and build muscle. The body only goes as far as the mind let's ...
Karisa Stapp
✨A place for dreamers🌟 Sharing the ups and downs of writing and fitness. Here, I will share both ...
Manuel A. Garcia
Exploring life and the events of our day, seeking the truth with humility.
Fit To Teach
Join me for a double whammy of fitness advice and stories about what its like being a P.E. Teache...
AX Mina
A podcast newsletter at the intersection of magic, work and economic justice
Hamzah Henshaw
Every Friday I share five ideas that blend expert insight from education, business, and health wi...
Kate Lillie
Five themed book recommendations every month in lots of genres, for people who love great stories.
Dr Rachel Morris
An alphabetical salmagundi of art, books, creativity, domestic affairs, and excursions
Anne Lowrey
algorithm-free recommendations and destination guides from a travel writer who also loves being a...
Jennifer Moore
Where I post about life on our farm, my various projects, and political hot takes.
Ranjitha (Connext Coaching)
Handpicked resources on Nonviolent Communication, empathy and collaboration by Ranjitha Jeurkar, ...
Kelly Berry
Five for the Future shares five topics in the news this week that can offer signals of change for...
Lex Hearth
Every Friday I (DJ & Producer Lex Hearth) share five quality pieces of culture or creative I'm en...
Alex Gradet
Spending Much Longer Thinking About Things Than the Things Themselves.
Laura Jean Baker
Advent, Epiphany, Eastertide, & Equinoxes -- countdown rituals for lapsed church-goers (& other n...
Etienne de la Boetie2
Five, fresh hot voluntaryist memes + alternative news, censored videos, truth music and more.
Scott Meyer
Learn to integrate AI into your daily workflow. Work faster and be more productive in your daily ...
Willow Older
Ideas to ponder while you wait for the coffee to brew, the eggs to boil, or the tub to fill.
Yogi Sharma
My thoughts from coaching + Your action = Transformation in five minutes
Stephanie Mendeloff
Weekly musings about life, motherhood, work, and the nuances of being alive.
Misha Gerrick
Five Muses Creative is devoted so supporting storytellers, enterprises, and organisations through...
Theral Timpson
Good evening. Let's relax and contemplate something.
Five South Dispatch
This Substack is closed. Please join our newsletter here:
Nico Lumma
Five Things is getting published every Sunday - with five great articles from around the web on a...
James Whatley
Do not subscribe here. Substack supports monetising Nazi content. Please head to fivethingsonfrid...
Sasha Singer-Wilson
On creativity, curiosity, climate, motherhood & emergence.
FiveTwenty Collective PR
Press Releases by Eric N. Boston courtesy of FiveTwenty Collective. Press releases published are ...
Mike Johnson & Jerry Climer
Fixing Congress reviews the history, organization, internal and external influences, and, most cr...
Niko Jilch ⚡️
Our money is broken, let's fix it. Journalist Niko Jilch covers the most important story of our l...
Donald Tipon
Learn how to solve our social problems which are the primary source of psychological, intellectua...
Jen Squilla
A newsletter about embracing my shape and taking up space. Life of a wellness publicist, recover...
Flagrant Mag
Through the lens of women and BIPOC women, we create a sense of community and make hoops a more e...
Edu Valladares
Reflexões para passear pela aprendizagem e (aprender a) desenhar caminhos.
Charles Tieszen
A newsletter from Charles Tieszen featuring reflections on dialogue, interfaith relations, and more.
Annette Wernblad
Stories from the cities I call home: London, Edinburgh, Paris, Nice, Dublin, Copenhagen, and beyo...
Paul Benjamin Osterlund
Flanör is a blog focusing on urban culture, architecture, food & drink, and nightlife in Istanbul...
A newsletter about writing (mostly flash fiction and creative nonfiction), publishing, and readin...
Jay Busbee
Kick back with some tales of Southern culture, sports, food and music from Jay Busbee. Grill's al...
Flashnotes offer concise summaries of SecDev's insights, showcasing our expertise at the intersec...
Andrew Robert Colom
Publication for Flash-Style Fiction Contest One moderator two writers writing what I am calling ...
Bruce Harwood
A weekly newsletter that explores how technology is reshaping the media landscape, transforming h...
An original cyberpunk story every month between 3,000 and 8,000 words.
Flatmates news
Mischelle Sandowich
Discussions about Flat Earth from the perspective of Reformed Theology and Hopeful Eschatology.
Flavia Brito
Branding, experiência de marca, mundo e criatividade através dos meus olhos
Flavia Machioni
Reflexões, receitas e práticas para quem, assim como eu, acredita que é possível viver mais leve,...
Avid fermenters share their passion and expertise to help everybody cook healthier, more deliciou...
Flavors and Knowledge
The Education of Flavors, Culture, and Gastronomic Knowledge, written by cooks, bakers, artisans,...
Ariel Bishop
senior project: exploring diverse recipes and mastering kitchen techniques
Fledgling Writing Workshops
a community of writers who write together prompts + workshops + community writing events & more
Kateri Ewing
Writing & painting my way along the fragile and luminous thread called life... with wonder and awe.
Danusha Laméris
Are we living inside a poem? A place to consider the altars of the ordinary.
Livia Liu
Founded by independent female Chinese journalist, based in Hong Kong. Bringing you the latest new...
Welcome to my side of the internet. My writing encourages empathy and investigates deep thought. ...
Fleshed Out
Each post will be me looking at some form of action that I appreciate from the sidelines, from af...
Matt Fletcher
Welcome to Fletchucation – your go-to resource for inquiry-based learning and all things educatio...
Fleur Bradley
I'm Fleur, and I love mysteries. I've written over a dozen books for kids, including the recent D...
Joshua Kelly
Flexpa is the fastest way for your digital health app to connect to new Patient Access APIs.
MaryAnn Johanson
Thoughtful film criticism: feminist, progressive, geeky. I examine movies (and sometimes a bit of...
Lori Tucker-Sullivan
Musings on writing, grief, widowhood and music, sometimes in support of my book.
Jennifer Lauck
If you hunger for mentorship that nudges you to literary excellence and deeper truth, welcome. Fl...
Laura Sebastian
Updates about what I'm writing, reading, and daydreaming about.
Stephen D Forman
I write occasionally in the hope you will laugh occasionally
Connor Coyne
A Flint, Michigan author leads a meandering exploration of writing, fiction, and life in the magi...
Personal Journal logging all ideas inside chat during every trading session. In-Depth teaching us...
How can you lose weight and live a healthy life.
Cullen Gallagher
Music, movies, writings, miscellanea, and other misdirections by Cullen Gallagher.
A newsletter that reimagines the more difficult parts of life in hopes of a smoother journey
James O'Reilly
Flocode: Engineering Insights is your guide to the transformative power of Python for civil and s...
Scott Ko
There are two types of people in the world: Cat people... and people who are not yet cat people.
Clarice Cho
Floor Time is the 15-60 minute time period spent laying on the floor in the middle of the work da...
Flora Canabrava
Prazer, Flora. Eu sou só uma pessoa e uso esse espaço pra deixar florescer ideias
Nina Veteto
A botanically inspired newsletter for plant passionate people. Featuring Secret Stories of the Wi...
Sophie van Gerwen
UK gardener growing flowers from seed in my cottage garden. Garden Explorer.
Flora Manson
Food as: recipes, food stories and thoughts, day-to-day writings, chats with interesting people t...
Flora Devenport
A regular digest of lifestyle, travel, food, wellness and joyful things.
Mi escritura existe para documentar mis procesos, para crecer como ser humano y para que le sirva...
lauren dubinsky
a free weekly newsletter to help everyone grow their own food! i write about learning to grow on ...
Peter B. Gallagher
Florida For Now is a multimedia project that seeks to explore and examine Florida today, the stat...
A mother's anthem
Information and Planning for Our Spring Park Florida Fling for Vaccine Injured, Bereaved, and Fam...
David P Douglass
Florida Gun & Self-Defense provides firearms and self-defense training content within the context...
Fred Mays
Stories about interesting places in Florida, outdoor adventures and recreation, and reporting on ...
Georgia B.
My collection of flowers. This isn’t really a newsletter. It’s more of a curated space for my pho...
Madoc Cairns
short pieces on what I've been reading, working on, listening to, found interesting: updated fort...
Natasha Burge
writing on enchantment, the Arabian Gulf, autism poetics, and coming to faith
Floris Provoost
Thoughts on the future of design, design org models, leadership and the development of talent.
Réflexions d'une écrivaine queer et hypersensible en quête d'un rythme de vie cyclique.
Kolawole Flourish
The lessons I learn about life through my experiences, week in, week out.
Joshua Castle
Kristen McClure
This is a newsletter that I publish for women with ADHD and anxiety with information designed to ...
Aimée Francis
Seasonal tales from the Cotswolds. Inside, you’ll find musings on the British landscape, heritage...
Felicity Spector
Telling stories of food and resistance in wartime Ukraine - and other scenes from an accidental b...
Doctrix Periwinkle
Reflections and storytelling on faith, nature, and community from a tiny island in the Caribbean.
Rosana Francescato
Reflections from a Flower Child (generation between Boomers and X) on culture, climate, and whate...
Allison Rosecast
A different kind of flower subscription. Tenderly arranged tattoos, inspiring finds, and thoughts...
Jessica Stokes
My newsletters will be like joining me for one long walk. Lead by the seasons I will speak light ...
Culture, sports, upper midwestern fatalism, TCM, love and the stuff that just now fits
Flowers & Numbers
This newsletter is dedicated to data-art and the data-art community "Flowers & Numbers", as well ...
Saga Blane
Form follows Flow. I'm opening the channel, and shaping a cup to catch the current. Can I get y...
La newsletter des multi-potentiels ! Chaque semaine, des conseils pour mieux te connaître, t’orga...
Michela Griffith
Evocations of wood and water from NE Scotland: small beauty noticed, tranquility shared.
Flows Invest
Sharing my analytical insights through written discourse serves as a means for me to formalize my...
Flowverse 🌊
Subscribe to the Flowverse weekly newsletter to receive your free Flow Surfer NFT
Dan Ton
Film and TV reviews with in-depth analysis. Because we all love movies. And it’s so much fun figu...
Musings on how to keep grounded throughout our inner and outer seasons. Setting Intentions that ...
Know your Rights. Know the Law. Know the Truth. RISE UP for Justice!
Lisa Bolin
Mindfully giving the middle finger to ordinary midlife as we enter our Queenager era ✨
Language Papi
Serious language learning. Optimised.┃(propably) the fastest method on the internet┃Anki + iTalki...
I help you invest in high-quality companies that turn investments into exceptional returns. These...
Shannon McNamara
A weekly newsletter about pop culture, trending topics, and celebrity blind items.
Isa |
Marketing consciente, planejamento & rotina pra quem quer a vida e os negócios fluindo | Por Isa ...
Flunder Wines
A place to find great-tasting wines, recommended by Luke Flunder. Please subscribe to Luke Flunde...
Sarah Stodola
Deconstructing tourism. From Sarah Stodola, author of 'The Last Resort: A Chronicle of Paradise, ...
Whether you're a seasoned bookworm or just beginning your reading adventure, there's a place for ...
Matthew Sheffield
Flux is a media platform for change, providing in-depth coverage of politics, religion, technolog...
Matthew Perpetua
The longest-running music blog in the game! This newsletter is focused on music curation - review...
John Rousseau
Thinking and writing about systems change, complexity, design, and the future—the ways everything...
Sarah Nohe
FLUX, Yeah! For the Love of UX. News and insights in the world of User Experience.
Lia Buffa De Feo
Fly Bravely delivers storytelling about grief & rising. Through heartfelt narratives, new perspec...
Flyer Wealth Management
Join the community of eager investors, as I supply you with strong investing fundamentals, action...
Fantasy digital artist doing private and indie commission work. Subscribe if you want to know wha...
Flying Edna
writing + art from fia + kai skye / brian andreas. whether you're new, or have followed our work...
Joey DeBruin
Decoding how great products will be built in an increasingly digital world
Liz Fraser
FLYING SOLO charts and celebrates what we can do by our SELVES. From travel and adventure, to run...
Fly on the Wall Press
Fly on the Wall Press, based in Manchester, is known for producing political fiction with feminis...
Flyover Conservatives
A conversational podcast where current events get broken down and modern culture is examined thro...
Todd Wenning
Flyover Stocks is an investing newsletter that focuses on finding quality businesses with economi...
Iris Weston
Welcome to Flyover Valley! Come right in and bring your kids along, and let me tell you some stor...
Mehdi Rifai
Sharing digital marketing frameworks, tips and news to stay on top of your business
Erwin Blom
Een onregelmatig verschijnende nieuwsbrief van Fast Moving Targets, platform over media en innova...
Erwin Blom
Tools, technieken en inzichten waar je wat mee kan. Een wekelijkse dosis inspiratie en informatie...
FNA Baller Robinson
My Stories, My Poetry, and My Tales of Mystery, Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy
Fitzrovia News
A round up of neighbourhood news, features, comment, and public consultations in Fitzrovia, Londo...
Sorana Stănescu
Ca să știi ce să faci când ești bolnav, chiar dacă acum ești sănătos.
Ryan Hannigan
🍻 Welcome to Focal Pint, a newsletter by Ryan Hannigan of Focus on the Beer! Embark on a flavorfu...
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
Investigative scholarship and reporting of public policy, health, justice, and current affairs.
FOCUS es todo señal, nada de ruido. Ecommerce en estado puro. La newsletter de negocio de Eboluti...
Letters that reframe your mind in an overwhelming and status-obsessed world.
David Perlmutter
An occasional series of essays on the art and commerce of animation.
Focus Cambodia
A weekly update of Focus Cambodia's article from the Kingdom of Wonder.
Focus Dividendes
Inscris toi à la newsletter et reçois gratuitement le lien pour consulter mon portefeuille bourse...
Ben Yoskovitz
A biweekly newsletter on navigating the chaos of building & investing in startups. Topics include...
Colin Brown
Every two weeks I will publish a collection of writings about Finland and life in the Nordics, Bu...
Paul Drake
Shares my research and activity as an investor. My investing is very focused, at present on REITs...
Nacho Dramis
Free monthly newsletter about music, photography, gaming, technology, self-promotion, and the com...
Nacho Dramis
Newsletter mensual gratuito sobre música, fotografía, videojuegos, tecnología, autobombo y la con...
Tonya Rothe
Hi, I’m Tonya! Welcome to Focus•Flo Wellness— dedicated to offering holistic wellness solutions f...
Dave Meier
The paid newsletter for high-impact focus. Neuroscience-backed methods for founders & high-achiev...
A new original instrumental song every month from a Pacific Northwest-based musician and composer...
Foggy Blossom
Musings to inspire from life on a 12-acre (mostly) willow farm outside of Pittsburgh, PA, where a...
Alessia Colaianni
Riflessioni sparpagliate su natura, animali, scienza e comunicazione, qualche consiglio di lettur...
Flávia Schiochet
reflexões lentas sobre alimentação, culinária e gastronomia // slow cooking ideas about food, coo...
Jean-Marc van Tol
Extra's rond Fokke & Sukke en andere dingetjes. Leuk als je ons volgt. Nog leuker als je zo nu en...
Inaya Folarin Iman
A newsletter about morality and identity politics, written by Inaya Folarin Iman.
Adam Bienkov
An independent progressive newsletter about UK politics written by the political journalist Adam ...
A miniseries about life's ups and downs - marriage and divorce, sickness and health, home and tra...
Folie Chambre
A wild trip of interiors, design, travel and food. With personal stories of all things related to...
Heather Sleightholm
Sharing bits that make up my day- living, learning, painting, creating, teaching...
Donald Davidson wrote of an inherited memory, a “folk-chain” that links us to a tradition that he...
Rachel Mosses
Snippets of folklore, history, stories, vintage recipes, remedies, herblore & the occasional cock...
Elixirs and meanderings from a witch on the edge of a random Northwoods Wisconsin town. The moder...
Olive Morris
Come all those who dwell in dreams, in the deep past and in the realms of magic. Here you may fin...
Sara Sadek
Mother. Writer. Advisor. Community Builder. Connection. Community. Care. Co-Liberation.
Folk, Write, Draw, Repeat is the writing, comics and art page of Iowa-based artist, folklorist an... is an AI venture studio focused on small AI models running locally or on the edge. W...
Eric Johnson
Podcasts, videos, internet culture, and links to the best stuff I've seen online this week
Kunal Modi
I share insights from my journey transitioning from a 9-5 tech career to self-employment. I follo...
Staci Boden
Gino Curcuruto
I'm a pastor-theologian living in Philadelphia and writing on culture, theology, the church as po...
Plough Admin
A conversation space for those who believe that we can and should live by Jesus’ teachings in the...
The latest COVID news the censored media isn't covering. See also
Leone Baron
We dig into how consumer goods businesses are innovating to be more sustainable. Free weekly news...
Katie Gordon
a newsletter that sits between our wisdom traditions, contemporary spirituality, and emerging fut...
Rocco Jarman
Honoring our souls' search for Meaning and Belonging, our hearts' journey of leadership, growth a...
Yaling Jiang
Get on-the-ground 'color' in China beyond the earnings calls and market reports.
Clare Moore
A newsletter dedicated to the Influencer and Creator economy from interviews with influencer mark...
Ruth Sims
Leadership? Enough already... organisations need followers and leaders working together well. My ...
Meredith Craig
A compost heap to share my inspirations, influences, and interests. Essentially, a newsletter to ...
Elen Sentier
You're here because you want to get to know, for yourself, all the deep wisdom of our ancestors A...
Exposing the foundation, function and philosophy of the modern financial system, and why it matte...
Bogdan Darev
When I was little three wolves started to tell me stories. They lived in our bedroom curtains.
Jonathan Knott
The mystery of the Beatles' dream to buy a Greek island
Dorothy Unleashed
The power of stories to unlock the ultimate Red Pill experience.
Elin Petronella
The artist life and business for the dream-driven artists and writers who are fed up with gut-wre...
collettivo Search Foundry
In questo substack scriviamo contenuti che pensiamo siano utili a chi è interessato al digital ma...
Hua Shu
Weekly newsletter helping founders and makers discover pretty fonts, learn design, get creative i...
Afonso Salcedo (Fonzie)
Discover a world where photography, animation, and philosophical musings intersect. From technica...
Marcia Villalba
Serverless, AWS, and cloud computing thoughts and content. Curated by Marcia Villalba.
Rally Guy
A successful 70+ year old, who has lost over 25% of his highest weight to achieve a BMI of less t...
Ava Robinson
food//and the intimate storytelling of a genderqueer, neurodivergent mother, writer, sex worker, ...
Food and Fiesta
Food and Fiesta journeys through Spain’s unique festivals and celebrated culinary traditions, rev...
Richard Goldberg
I welcome you into the world of food and nutrition science with the goal of achieving optimal hea...
Tara O'Brady
Recipes, definitely. Ramblings, likely. Probably other things, too.
Nora Landis-Shack
Examining the intricacies of food as medicine, public health, and policy
Everything food, especially food systems, food science, and food safety and how they interact.
Allegra D'Agostini
Food etc. is a collection of delicious recipes. Photos, city guides, and brief musings have a pla...
Lisa Ludwigsen
Exploring how we build community by sharing great food, supporting local farms and families, and ...
Alex Hill
your weekly spot to get a recipe drop every friday morning along with mind dumps, favorite things...
Stephanie Steele
An exploration of the interconnectedness of food, textiles and fashion with resources, guides and...
Sally Frawley
A reflection on the connection between food, life and memories always with a recipe and a few fun...
Juliana Nicewarner
The place where a food-loving author's obsession with flavor and fiction collides. Original recip...
a newsletter on horror films and what they say about the people who can't look away
Tammy Muir
Retired artist/graphic designer with a side of foodie on a quest to rediscover her mojo.
Paola Barrera
Written from the intersection of faith and everyday life, learning to let one inform the other.
Nicole Annette
Food for thought & heart-centered words to nourish us in the journey. Plus Journal Coaching stra...
Foodies Across the Pond
Connecting you with incredible food, recipes, and stories about food, food producers, food conten...
Murissa newsletter featuring our Canadian foodie content with our podcast, articles and vid...
Matt Rodbard
We launched a really fun newsletter. But not on Substack! Visit:
Steve Rose
Information about the connection between chronic disease, nutrition and The Regenerative Movement...
Dennis Lee
My name is Dennis Lee, aka Dannis Ree, and I'm a Chicago-based food writer whose main goal is to ...
Stefan Schwartze
Foodistory is a free bi-weekly blog that will serve as a notebook for a chef working abroad. The ...
FooDiva - Restaurant Whisperer
Your impartial, inside guide on restaurants in Dubai and my culinary travels. Exclusive FooDiva-c...
David S. Shields
Welcome to the Foodlore & More newsletter written by David S. Shields. Each issue will have writi...
Food Memories with Christine
Food, family and friends all connected by glorious food. My life in words and photos Few recipes
Monica Campagnoli
Welcome to my gastronomic history newsletter. Here, I also share recipes from Bologna and Emilia-...
A newsletter about foodshake, and the updates about the app.
Lynn Hill
FoodStack Library is filled with some of the best food writers on Substack. Join the Open Kitchen...
Stephanie Gravalese
I share insights on American food culture and reflections as a food writer. I'm Stephanie Gravale...
Kevin Ryan
A newsletter for those interested in the intersection of culture, innovation and the food industry
A newsletter summarizing F&B innovative concepts, tech, and trends coming, mostly, from China and...
Courtney Jill Bishop
If you like food & travel, you're in the right place. We're talking city guides, budget travel, ...
Chiara Cecchini
Keeping track of the growing food + climate sector. Get the latest startup news, trends and reports.
Timi Siytangco
Asia’s creative projects and places as told by the people who brought them to life
T. R. Enchant
You are visiting my messy desk, metaphorically. Stop by for a snoop, I won't bite
Football - Stats, predictions and bookmakers analysis. Part of Sports4Cast.
Fran James
Reports on how climate change impacts football and football impacts climate change. It includes f...
Football Archaeology
Digging into gridiron history to examine how football's evolution shapes today's game.
Tom Canning
All the latest Berkshire football news from the Sunday League to the National League.
Football Palestine
Full Coverage and Analysis of the Palestinian National Team, 🇵🇸 League, & Palestinians Abroad.
Your one-stop shop for the biggest transfer stories across the football world each and every week.
Trevor Knell
Opinion, interviews and match reports from across the English non-league football pyramid, this ...
Stephen Thurston
Saratoga Springs | Glens Falls | Lake George | News that knows you're busy.
Sam Robinson
Exploring running, life on foot, and the ideas that shape our movement through the world. Because...
Simon Haisell
Slow reads of great books. Book guides and a reading community to help you get more from the best...
Jemar Tisby, PhD
Offering historically informed perspectives on race, faith, and social issues to help you become ...
Leslye Penelope
Curated inspiration and ideas to help you grow as a writer and find fulfillment in your craft fro...
Rachel Gallagher
Cities, people and places - how urban design and planning influences the way we live.
Catalog & iMprint from FKACO a music fulfillment service with product manufacturing for music mer...
Musings about how we can do a better job of explaining and using analytics to describe the world'...
Jasmine Virdi
Foraged Wisdom is a monthly newsletter that gathers and collects insights on world-building amids...
Michelle Dowd
Forage for what you need by connecting with the wild(er)ness around and within you.
Foraging Freya
A millenial health care worker exploring the world of foraging. Simple and quick hacks for those ...
For All Moonkind
For All Moonkind's Institute on Space Law and Ethics: A platform for the exchange and innovation ...
Malachy Tallack
A newsletter all about songs. Each post offers personal reflections on a single song and consider...
Conversations to send your spouse. Every tried to communicate something to your partner, but coul...
Kryptogal (Kate, if you like)
Grand theories and denunciations of human behavior, with a light heart. Polemic regarding us talk...
Reviewing and commenting on the forbidden literature of philosophers, the misunderstood texts of ...
Anne de La Fontaine
"Any book worth banning is a book worth reading." ~ Isaac Asimov
CISA drove my website out of business and I've been de-platformed by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest...
Allison Wiltz
A newsletter by Allison Wiltz, a writer, editor, and unapologetic Black scholar who writes about ...
simi for breakfast
delicious and nutritious media criticism for a balanced internet diet
Alicia Dara
A Gen-X mid-life womanifesto. Life-affirming, love-learning and limitless.
Caitlin Rivers
Weekly updates on COVID-19, influenza, RSV, food recalls, and more. Helpful for older adults, par...
Raja Skogland
How to gain influence, clients and investors. Access my best advice, case studies, video intervie...
Lucia Kanter St. Amour
Negotiation isn't just for business; it's everybody's business. Let's dispel the myth that it's a...
Robert W Mackay
"Forces With History" is published via email every two weeks. It deals with issues of interest re...
A weekly newsletter for Black and Brown women highlighting entrepreneurship and venture capital i...
inspirational nonfiction remixed into 90 minute workshops with practices and time to share
Fred Kisielewski
Welcome to For Dads, a FREE weekly email sharing a number of things to make your weekend easier. ...
Maggie Smith
A newsletter about writing & other things that make this life dear—from the poet, not the dame
Zack Ford
Unabashedly progressive LGBTQ political news and views from journalist Zack Ford.
Mr. Troy Ford
Essays, stories & curiosities | Home of the novel "Lamb" - "The Books We ❤️ Club" - and "The Road...
ForecasterKai Daily Options
Hello, and welcome to the newsletter where we use cutting edge machine learning models to give us...
Nuño Sempere
A monthly newsletter on prediction markets and forecasting platforms: what they're up to, where ...
Fiza Pirani
An award-winning newsletter centering immigrants with a mission to de-stigmatize mental illness a...
Yasmeen Serhan
A fortnightly newsletter of my latest writing, plus links to some of the best stories I’ve read.
Ron Yates
ForeignCorrespondent is a wide-ranging blog that examines subjects that impact our lives, such as...
John B. Judis
John Judis and Paul Starobin started Foreign & Domestic because they wanted a platform where they...
Derek Davison
Daily roundups of world news and thoughtful commentary on US foreign policy.
Al Ballesteros
Too many things internationally and locally aren't what you've been told. It's time to wake up. ...
Oliver Jia
Thoughts on film, culture, history, and whatever takes me to a foreign place.
Dan Spokojny
We walk like experts, we talk like experts, but does that really mean we know what we're doing? ...
Max Houck
Forensic science* issues, commentary, and discussion by an award-winning 30-year veteran of the i...
Allison Duettmann
Foresight in the Present
Thoughts, ideas, and content about worldviews, assumptions, foresight, futures and imaginations. ...
Tom Rooney
The latest thinking in climate-smart forestry, forest resilience, restoration forestry, and fores...
Amanda Claire Vesty
Rewilding Mind, Body, Soul for Life Well-Lived. With Amanda Claire, founder Ancient and Sacred Tr...
Centehua Sage
This is my journal, my process, my practice. And love letters for mothers. Motherhood is a spirit...
Nicholas Foster
Foresto Investment Insights is an investment research firm that offers in-depth analysis and insi...
Tamara Low
I write about BEING on the Earth in an aligned and harmonious way. Endllessly inspired by Permacu...
Joey Padgett
Break down tech strategy alongside 2k+ developers, founders, and product leaders.
Tijana Draws
Bookish forest creature inspired by magical and metaphysical, folklore, fairy tales, mythology an...
Leela Hoehn
Forever Flame is an honest reflection on what it's like to relentlessly follow creative urges. It...
Miranda Peebles
a collection of photography and short stories about motherhood, exploring creativity, and learnin...
Forever Magazine
Forever Magazine is an arts & literary magazine publishing weekly online and quarterly in print.
Spencer Ackerman
Tracking the continuities, departures and permutations of the War on Terror.
Josh Rowe
From startups to giants, our newsletter helps every business make sense of AI and use it to succeed.
Scott Santens
Stuff from Scott Santens that's not necessarily about the idea of unconditional basic income (UBI...
Florian Strauf
Forgd is a one-stop destination for all pre & post-TGE support to drive long term success. Intera...
Kenneth R. Rosen
An occasional dispatch by me, Kenneth R. Rosen, an infracaninophile in disparate places.
My goal is to share my experiences, gained knowledge, and other relevant information, for Gen Z -...
Niccolò Hilgendorf
Helping fiction writers upgrade their skillset and amplify their audience
Trevor Winchell
I write for God to inspire and encourage others. I write for God to help people learn more about ...
Prateek Dasgupta
Forgotten Footprints brings you tales from lesser-known civilizations and cultures from ancient t...
Dick Whyte
A living anthology of obscure and out-of-print poems and poets from the late-1800s and early-1900...
Mary McCartan
Forgotten Threads is an homage to the observations of a meandering life and the woven memories we...
Naomi Schoenfeld
Follow Naomi Schoenfeld's research on the experience of intellectual disability in 1800s New Engl...
Danielle Hendrickson
Care Bear staring love on women with teachings of self-compassion, body-acceptance and sacred fem...
Iker Sanders
Sumérgete en un universo de imaginación ilimitada y descubre el poder de las ideas. Únete a nuest...
George W Kruse
Discussion has too often been limited (or prevented altogether) on the Manatee County dais. Here ...
Troy Harris II
For Lack of a Wetter Bird is a recurring collection of funky stories, cautionary tales, and other...
Jenn Bragg
My life's work is observing the nuances of different cultures that you may not otherwise notice. ...
Lidija Hilje
Stories and bits of advice from a certified book coach and an author on her way to publication
Brian Levy
Stories and recipes without regard for trends or search engine optimization. (How on Earth did yo...
Rhonda Wallace
How a single, middle-aged woman starts finding her way back onto the Potter's wheel, one day at a...
Medical freedom, preserving the record of crimes against humanity. Advocating for patient rights...
Drew McWeeny
What does a movie site look like when you don't want anything from the studios but the movies?
Norman Finkelstein
Formerly Norman Finkelstein's Official Substack (Archived)
Joel Smalley
Former Official spokesperson - representing my constituents.
We help you register your business in the USA, get EIN, business bank account and everything that...
Mike Pelczynski
all things music: thoughts, prose, sounds & bodies of work challenging an industry in-and-outside...
Tim Campbell
I watched my first race in 1999 and haven't missed one since. These are my love letters to Formul...
For My Wairua
Decolonizing, deconstructing, and de-centering the dominant discourse. Weaving words as I experie...
Camille Bacon
here you will find musings, reflections & visions, all artfully grounded by a desire to realize w...
Forrest Bishop
Forrest Bishop on a variety of topics including space propulsion, shapeshifting machines, electro...
Fortesa Latifi
journalist writing about family vloggers and mom influencers while also trying to figure out new ...
Alessio Persichetti
Sono Alessio Persichetti, questa è una newsletter dove vi aggiorno su cosa combino nel mondo dei ...
Sarah Teresa Cook
Writing at the intersection of neurodivergence, creative attention, and the more-than-human world...
Paula Fitzsimmons
An honest, in-depth look at issues facing rank-and-file police officers. Citizen-based and soluti...
Brittany Simmons
Welcome to the for the city girls newsletter: a collection of ideas, thoughts, and musings about ...
Louder With Crowder Dot Com
Stories and shenanigans straight from the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website.
Alice-May Purkiss
We’re all looking for answers about how to live in this wild and wonderful world. 'For the Curiou...
Ali Heath
Hello! This is a newsletter about home, interiors, styling, books, and having the confidence to b...
For the Kid's Sake
A group of concerned citizens who are willing to stand up to protect our children, their futures,...
jack cuison
documenting my every thought as i navigate the mysterious thing called life
Elena Dudum
Palestinian-Syrian writer exploring the politics of being an Arab-American woman, her love of foo...
Mark Corbyn
From a co-founder of The Adobros supper club: a love (news)letter to adobo, Filipino food and cul...
Maj-Britt Johnson
I write personal essays and stories that explore issues of identity and belonging, especially in ...
Jesse Naguib
Regular posts covering paintings + drawings, short/long-term projects, sketches, and whatever els...
Gill Moon Photography
Weekly musings on photography, landscape, and getting out with your camera.
Nirmal Shah
Thoughts, Ideas, Inspiration and some rants on delivering effective teaching-learning mathematics...
Olivia Mardwig
A Book Club and interactive learning resource 4 KIDS! Get reading guides, creative writing prompt...
C.I. Aki
A newsletter for those who don't fit perfectly in one category or another. Notes and articles on ...
Janae Carlee
A safe space for women to grow in life, faith, and business without having it all figured out—jus...
For The People Libraries
The newsletter connecting folks who are interested in defending, strengthening, and expanding pub...
Thao Nguyen
Hello, I'm Thao Nguyen. I'm a songwriter, producer, and touring musician. I can't tour for a long...
Katerina Eleftheriou
A collection of essays, chat Q&As, and journaling prompts to help us all make sense of our uncert...
For Those Who Listen" is a digital archive that I envision as a third space for Black radical thi...
Sue Lani Madsen
Commentary on politics, culture and language from a Christian, conservative, libertarian and prag...
George Bullard
Free Original Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom from George Bullard a Strategic Thinking Mentor ...
Mathieu Bouchant
Toutes les semaines, je partage des idées d'investissement, les derniers changements dans mes por...
Sanni Omodolapo
Forty Fifty
Forty Fifty is a social health platform specifically geared to women in midlife providing communi...
Progressive Victory
Artificial intelligence news, tutorials, tools, generative art, and more
queer dispatches from the last days of this world about the first days of the next
Forward Slash / Health
Resources to help you Start, Run, and Grow your independent medical practice.
Irfan Bhanji
"Forward Thinking" is a series that explores ideas on productivity, health, and personal growth.
Jeremy Sitnick
My personal Substack detailing my journey with Bells Palsy and Mental Health.
For Women Who Roar
For Women Who Roar is an online journal featuring women's poetry and stories worldwide. Read new ...
Sinead Kavanagh
A substack for women who want to create the businesses, the freedom and lives they're fucking obs...
Abhinav Kumar
Monthly / bi-monthly pieces on culture, cricket, travel and a tantalizing sundry (short story? fl...
Phil Friedman
News, information, and expert opinion for yacht builders, sellers, buyers, and owners, from veter...
Celeste Ramos
Otherworldly fiction and fever dream love stories of the non-traditional kind. Only for you, my l...
Jeanne Allen
The case for education opportunity, innovation and a new Education Renaissance.
Roberta Villa
Salute e società, la medicina che ci riguarda. Per acquisire consapevolezza, ragionare sulle noti...
Silvia Pasquetto
Imparare a fotografare con intenzione è molto più complesso del semplice fotografare e imparare a...
Augustine Fou
FouAnalytics practitioners' share experiences, best practices, and tips for other analytics profe...
Foul Dwimmerlaik
Welcome...fellow traveller...ease your burdens and sit by my fire...*low chuckle*
Found and Ground
The newsletter for the art and natural arts materials teaching of Caroline Ross.
FAIR for All
Promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding, and humanity.
Daniel Ede
A newsletter written by an engineer turned entrepreneur turned investor about foundational framew...
Foundation Father
Become a better father. Household leadership, ancient wisdom, and home education. Raise masculine...
Foundations x Claudio Schlegel
Where knowledge forges success, opportunities bloom, and vision knows no borders. You will find ...
Hala Nelson
A deeply honest career path, and short letters simplifying things like AI and data strategy, and ...
After the death of Marx but before Lenin, Scientific Socialism went through a transformation with...
Jeff Krimmel
A learning & development resource for those wanting to learn energy from the ground up. Discussi...
The Founder 60
The newsletter of the Founder 60 pitch competition, where we roast, toast, and promote founders a...
Dan Nguyen-Huu
Seeding ideas, startup concepts, and compelling events for founders and future founders in cloud,...
Kyle Cords
A newsletter for founders, by a founder. FounderCore is written by Kyle Cords, CEO and founder of...
Alex Souza
Entrenamiento existencial para ganar el juego del emprendimiento y de la vida.
Unstacked Startups
The only newsletter founders need to raise from top VCs, hire elite talent, and receive actionabl...
Holly L
This newsletter is for founders, especially those who are not the CEO or operators. On building, ...
Founders Espresso
Join Founders Espresso for a twice-weekly shot of startup wisdom! Get bite-sized insights, inspir...
Founders Factory
A monthly round-up of startup and investment stories, key learnings from top founders, and insigh...
Daniel Rodriguez
Founders Launchpad is a publication that celebrates the inspiring journeys of visionary founders ...
You can now listen to every full episode for free in every podcast player.
Vadim Kochan
Get quick insights into emerging trends and new business models of IT startups (SaaS, Apps, Marke...
Carlos A. Hernandez
Founders VC is about entrepreneurship, startups, and the VC industry.
Nicole Gallardo
Monthly stories, tips, resources, & discoveries that help tech leaders design better products, te...
At Founders You Should Know we host a monthly IRL startup showcase in SF to help job-seekers conn...
Frederick Daso
Founder to Founder is a newsletter centered around issues and commentary on the challenges startu...
MaryB. Safrit
Celebrating the creative communities we make in our actual lives and providing tips to help you f...
Gareth Hughes
Foundfuture is a monthly newsletter with inspiring finds at the intersection of creativity and cl...
Michael Houck
Get advice to help build, grow, and raise capital for your startup, written by an a16z-backed fou...
Ana Lander
Just my opinion on the human experience - mostly nonfiction tales that could easily be confused w...
Found in Translation
First-hand research materials on CCP's disinformation campaign and global interference operations.
Oliver Josephson
Join me as we look through all the little things that make language fascinating.
Quality recommendations and actionable intel about Los Angeles and surrounds, from the team that ...
Quality recommendations and actionable intel about Miami and surrounds, from the team that starte...
Quality recommendations and actionable intel about New York City and surrounds, from the team tha...
Sarah Shaw
Comics, sketches, ramblings, and research, drawn and written on a rescued table.
sana rao
A newsletter about poetry, art and the journey of living more creatively.
Quality recommendations and actionable intel about San Francisco and surrounds, from the team tha...
Fountain of Tears
Andrew Galarneau
Eating intel from Andrew Galarneau, exploring the world from Buffalo, N.Y.
Jan Spell
Everything about the American Southwest concentrating on Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah
Rachael Pazdan
four/four selects is a dance and music guide to performance happenings in New York. Each month, w...
Matthew Parker
Four Insights drops a daily show on technology, venture capital, and startup tea.
Hannah Althea
Four Sacred Plums seeks to walk with mythos in the everyday, and all life as a sacred well. Foll...
Stephen Alan Adams
Short stories, flash fiction, serials, and more from writer slash revisionist Stephen Alan Adams.
Dillon Rosenblatt
Fourth Estate 48 is an investigative newsletter dedicated to exposing government actions in Arizo...
Martyn 3024
An irregular newsletter about inspiration and creativity in music & other art disciplines. Along ...
Oz Sargin
Fourth Place is a truth-fluid space, sharpening your BS filter by repurposing and challenging the...
Steve Krakauer
Fourth Watch Media: Your home for intellectual honesty, intellectual consistency, intellectual cu...
Harshini Rajachander
Critical takes on Big Tech and AI, written by an ex-AI engineer and PM. This is a monthly publica...
Joe Pernice
Musician and writer Joe Pernice shares recordings and some words about making them.
Thomas Pluck
A deep dive every Sunday, often into a place I've explored, and a multitude of short subjects on ...
The Fox Blog
The truth about mind control, child trafficking, child abuse and health all lead to the criminal ...
Adam Smith (Temples and Foxette Moxy) explores different songwriting processes and other things ...
Fox Foto Co
This weekly post covers photography reviews, street photography, expat reflections, coping skills...
Nandor Fox Shaffer
The latest news and updates from comic book creator and writer Nandor Fox Shaffer
Fox Hollow Farm & Herbary
Living in the Ozark hills, practicing agroforestry, raising animals, working with cultivated and ...
Lindsey Trout Hughes
creative nonfiction on connection, wonder, and the natural world. essays delivered monthly. subsc...
Marielle Bouleau
The latest news and stories from the Fox Red Comics team - find out what we're up to and what's c...
Morrigan McCarthy
Updating our 1780 Greek Revival farmhouse and property, and some interior design and garden inspi...
Janet Fox
For kidlit writers who want to be published. Develop writing skills. Grow in confidence. Write yo...
Rohan Khattar Singh
This is Fox Two: Aviation and Beyond, a newsletter for Aviation Ents and people curious about the...
Cleo Murphy
Stay ahead in the world of equine science with our newsletter for all horse owners. Get the late...
FPRI Eurasia Program
FPRI's Baltic Initiative was founded in 2016 to serve as a hub for analysis on defense and geopol...
Catch up on the latest commentary, podcasts, and events from the Foreign Policy Research Institut...
Jay Valentine
Fractal Computing is a quantum tech stack, delivering massive increases in performance, on curren...
FractalFX 💎
The only forex macro newsletter you need. No BS, just forex. Everything from macroeconomic to tec...
Dennis Nehrenheim M.Sc.
Come in — dear friend — and explore with me ... mighty fractals that'll make you see. Get lifted ...
A newsletter for updates about Rua M. Williams's research, the latest from the Coliberation Lab, ...
Citizen Doctor
Thoughts on how an evolved right and left can harmonize to build a social structure that embodies...
Michael Malone
Repeating patterns across Technology, Health, Business and People
Everything you need to know to become a top-tier software architect. No BS, only a pragmatic, and...
Craig Martineau
Tell me what you want to learn, read, experience.
Johannes Konstantin Poensgen
Alles was Rechts ist. Politologe vom Bildungsweg, Aktivist vom Lebensweg. Hier schreibe ich über ...
investigations into the choices, voices, fears, and progressively futile narratives we humans hea...
Paul Black
Perfecting the art of the stupid question since the late 1970s. I write about interesting people,...
eduardo furbino
poesias e histórias curtas escritas por um mineiro entre as marginais dos rios pinheiros e tietê,...
Carlota y Emily
1 ensayo al mes, 1 fragmento eje del ensayo, mucha investigación sobre la autora del fragmento, s...
June Bellebono + Suyin Haynes
fragments is a platform centred on losing a sibling (biological or chosen) and all the unique rea...
John Bordeaux
Winding down a 40 year career in the shadow of the U.S. federal government. Only occasionally ove...
Ben Greenman
"A Selection of Brief Unstaged Musicals (Each Responds to a Current Event) Written and Scored by ...
Fragrance Kitchen
A publication about food, fragrance, sense-indulgence and shameless hedonism
Fraîche Design Thinking
Fraîche Design Thinking is a Paris-based creative consultancy run by Lisa Baird, your design stra...
fraidy cat
I’m Hannah. I'm an illustrator/writer and the whole world scares me! I worry a lot about where I ...
Josh Parkhill
Exploring the intersection of commercials, ad agencies and brands with a filmmaker bias.
Clay Kaytis
Rantings and ravings that are too long - and too wordy - for anywhere else, from a Director-Scree...
Eric Thompson
A nonpartisan newsletter that helps you see multiple sides of today's issues and form your viewpo...
Matthew Sargent
Welcome! With this publication I aspire to take you on a journey through the human experience th...
Victoria Jean
Exploring the universe one frame at a time! ✨ Follow along as I share the magic of night skies, d...
Jake Orthwein
This is where I share videos I make and essays I write, along with the best of what I'm reading a...
Stripe Partners
Frames is a monthly newsletter that sheds light on the most important issues concerning business ...
Francesco Aglieri Rinella
A travel journal capturing the essence of photographic experiences, with a focus on the journey a...
Damion Coppedge
Hello nice to meet you here! I'm a passionate photographer and chess player, From Brooklyn New Yo...
Embark on a wild journey where verbal and visual storytelling collide in a chaotic dance, infusin...
Stephen Frampton
I like enjoy learning about stocks - if you have thoughts, please comment or reach out at stephen...
Fran Castro AA
¡Únete a mi newsletter para recibir información y análisis directo en tu correo electrónico!
Betty Carlson
A personal yet informative take on France's small to middling towns -- the scenic, the offbeat, a...
Francesca Esposito
Francesca in linea: linea diretta con un nuovo genere di musica! Collegati con me!
Frances Causey Films
Join 1,000’s of supporters and allies who get the latest on Frances Causey’s documentary film wor...
Francesco Mondora
Join my introspective voyage as I unravel life's mysteries in my newsletter. Each edition offers ...
Frances DeLisle
Serialized fiction and short stories from a steampunk universe
Carolyn Boyd
Tips and inspiration for travelling in France from expert writer and author Carolyn Boyd
Véronique Savoye
Stories about my French life, then and now. France as I see by Veronique Savoye, French native, a...
David A. Gross
The best movie box office information available anywhere. Our readers? Studio heads and streaming...
Francia McCormack
A writing, painting, and photography memoir reflecting on inspiration and consciousness.
Francisco Suárez
Siempre ando rumiando sobre cosas que leí o ideas que creo que inventé. Te las cuento en breve pa...
I write about philosophy, political thought, history, books, travel, gender, and wokeism.
Francisco Razzo
Caro leitor, seja muito bem-vindo. Aqui eu escrevo de tudo um pouco, exceto culinária e futebol. ...
Francis Foster
Francis Foster is a comedian, social commentator, author and co-host of TRIGGERnometry. He is the...
Francis Fukuyama
Senior Fellow at the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law, Stanford University
Francis Hunt, TheMarketSniper
Macro Technical with HVFmethod, with overlay Fundamental filters.
Franck Debane
I am sharing what caught my attention on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Subscribe if you want t...
Join me for some twisted stories, takeaways from great books, and the occasional tip to make your...
Torre Freeman
FRANK is both a cooking manifesto and a collection of love letters to great dinners...or maybe, i...
Frank and Buddy
An often animated webcomic about a skeleton and a baby ghost. It's ridiculous, amusing, punny, an...
Frank Gantz
Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul. --Psalm 6...
Frankie Blooding
I share with you what I'm researching and the ideas I'm developing for the books I'm writing. You...
Cult Madness News, Frankie Files Podcast, Hot Takes of a Cult Kid Podcast, by Frankie Tease, writ...
Frank J. Gaffney
This is the official Substack of Frank J. Gaffney host of Securing America with Frank Gaffney and...
Francis Fukuyama
The blog carried forward from American Purpose, with Francis Fukuyama's musing on politics, socie...
Frank Wang
Security engineer. Recovering VC and academic sharing random thoughts on security.
Frank Spesia
Why can't the government provide the basics - healthcare, housing, food, education, and security ...
An interview newsletter. We publish weekly, in-depth conversations with smart people on a range o...
Frank Mariani
A potpourri of cartoons, art and musings thrown at you from the biggest city on the mighty Niagar...
Jason Franks
Author and comics writer Jason Franks talks about the creative process, the publishing industry, ...
Frank Snepp
Views on news, today's and yesterday's, from a not-so-innocent bystander
Frank Tait
NRA Board Member - Reforming the NRA Board of Directors - Term Limits, Smaller Board, Transparenc...
Frank J. Fleming
Humor pieces, short stories, updates on my novels and other writing, plus other fun stuff.
Frank T Bird
The Wind in the Willows but with more shagging. I publish twice a week unless I'm out the back ge...
Frank Viola
Bestselling Christian author Frank Viola sends out a new article every Thursday. While they are t...
Francisco Briceño
Co-Founder en Mesh Mediterranean Fresh Food Corporate Chef Consultant | Expert in Gastronomy Inno...
Recommendations and writing on joy, sex, and how queer culture shapes the world.
WhiteFeather Hunter, PhD
WhiteFeather's philosophical ramblings. All things bioart, DIY bio, biotech philosophy, witchcraf...
Asa Wheatley
A look at the projects I'm working on, my thoughts about process and writing and the things I'm c...
Seth Rogoff
FRANZ is dedicated to creative engagement with Franz Kafka's life and work, including the first-e...
Franziska Gonder
Changing ourselves. Together. Celebrating and understanding the journey beyond yourself
frater chaos
political discourse with a leftist lean also a 3d artist and fractal artist, you can see my work ...
Ciao a tuttə, Questa è Fratture, la newsletter che una volta al mese vi racconta il mondo penite...
Diogo Martins
Pensar a economia e a política na raiz. Olhar para lá da epiderme. Com a clareza e a crueza de um...
Teruhisa Tamai
For whoever facing corporate governance, risk management and internal control
I don't want you polished and perfect. I want to see your frayed edges from when you scraped by l...
Frazzled Lit
Welcome to Frazzled Lit, the newest home for great prose, flash fiction, poetry and CNF! Subscrip...
Matthew Moran
Free range thoughts on culture, politics, and absurdities from author, skeptic, songwriter, & tec...
Eric Gilliam
I want to help people start historically great labs. Operational histories on history's best R&D ...
Freda Donnelly
No wasted moments, just rich and meaningful explorations of the issues shaping our world.
Peppe Öhman
Varje fredag samlar jag ihop det bästa jag läst i veckan i mitt nyhetsbrev. Varsågoda!
Fred DeLorey
Fred DeLorey is seasoned political strategist & influential writer. He writes insightful analysis...
Freddie Faull
Receive useful information twice a week about health and fitness. Upgrade for access to the full ...
fred el bekkay
I try to photograph what's around me and write as I turn around. Sometimes I imagine sounds or id...
Peter Samuel
Politics in a Maryland country town on the edge of the Washington DC metropolis with special focu...
Frederick Fullerton
Take a tour of my eclectic interests, thoughts, stories, poems, and photography. If you like what...
Frederick R Smith
The Frederick R. Smith blog is the ramblings of an uncommon man in a post-modern world. As a mast...
Don MacPherson
News from the Fredericton region, with a focus on justice issues
Frederik Gieschen
Writing, life, money, spirituality. Page and page as a portal to transformation.
Fred Pinto
Can we leverage our ingenuity to elevate the human experience? Receive a monthly email with my l...
Fredrik Gustafsson
Writings, long and short, about films, film history, film culture, film critics, and filmmakers.
Fredrik Wass
Tips, råd, insikter och analyser kring kommunikation, samhällsutveckling och digitalisering.
Fred Skulthorp
It's easy to find 11 Plus English papers but never the solutions! But you can receive free soluti...
Théo Leblanc
Hello ! Bienvenue dans FreeA, la newsletter pour découvrir les dernières avancées dans l'IA et l...
Jeff Rainforth
This is the official Substack of the free triple-amputee vet Brian Kolfage from prison project ru...
Lola Free
Sharing musings, insight, knowledge, and encouragement, using personal and professional experienc...
Alden Cox
Free Associating... working life puzzles, discovering frontiers of pleasure, studying wellbeing.
Rolanda Findlay
I love sharing about my freebird journey! Here I'll be exploring different ways of sharing my tho...
Tirhakah Love
Free Cable is a raunchy humor newsletter that reveals the dark arts and absurdity of the entertai...
Sharp Plays Group
Subscribe to get FREE College Football picks (Thursday email) and NFL picks (Saturday email) sent...
Josh Klemons
I've been collecting free digital tools for years — now I want to share them with you.
Sarah Shourd
Reflections from a somatic coach on healing yourself and the world.
Austin Otting
Freedom Conservatism
Liberty is the distinctive creed that makes America great.
Freedom Corp 2022
BiWeekly Newsletter bringing you legal updates, freedom fighter spotlight, current events, entert...
Freedom Defense RC
The Fight is ON Preserving Our Right To Freedom & Liberty
Michael Bronson
Follow Me Down the Orange-Bricked Road of Human Rights and Financial Freedom
Chuck Black
Canadian based, open sourced, actionable news & context from both the dying legacy and the fast g...
Freedom Fox
Intelligent, curious, clever & playful Fox invited to, "follow the science." Older, wise, experie...
MCC Brussels
Quick, salty bites on the politics of the Brussels Bubble and beyond
N.J. McConnachie
My name is NJ. I’m a fundamentalist turned atheist who's trying to use their voice to bring light...
Rick Thomas
Freedom House hosts events at our beautiful space in central Vancouver. Subscribe to be notified ...
Community Newsletter, Monthly Calendar and Information Supporting Freedom and Choice in Canada.
Freedom In Truth
My dedication to uphold my deepest convictions has no price. I will never sacrifice the health of...
Eric LaShun
Just a dope introvert telling stories focused on Self Improvement, Global Culture, Content Writin...
Thomas Mitchell
You cannot have freedom without free speech. Free speech is freedom.
Freedom Money Journey
Transparent trading results, execution insights, reflections and tips.
Stephanie G Wilson, PhD
Freedom Over Fascism is hosted by Dr. Stephanie Gerber Wilson. She talks with people who are work...
D Parker
Insight into the language, actions and lies of the authoritarians to galvanize the sleeping major...
Narain Batra
The newsletter is about culture, politics, technology, geopolitics, and America's global role and...
Freedom Research
ORIGINAL stories, BOLD insights, INDEPENDENT thinking. A consortium of researchers looking hard a...
Freedom To Offend
Freedom To Offend was started at about the same time I was suspended from my professorship positi...
Andrea Bowden, MS
Essays about Faith, Freedom and Fitness to get you thinking about what’s real
Stephanie C
True growth requires bravery and faith...and often a leap in the right direction. Come join my wr...
Lisa Doherty
Mostly about freeform crochet: my works in progress, announcements when classes are on offer and...
Ben Lang
Welcome to We share free ideas to help make the world more interesting. hi@freeide...
Craig Hearn
We are the premier soccer show, podcast, and newsletter for soccer fans of all ages.
Kim Kavin
News and analysis about attacks on our right to choose self-employment, from a leader of the inde...
Mia Lobel
Provocative essays about the podcast industry that challenge creators, listeners, and especially ...
Freelance Football Opps
Connecting subscribers to paid freelance football opportunities
Sarah Jutras
A newsletter about designing a fulfilling freelance practice and living a creative life. Written ...
Rebekah Lambert
Take a mindful coffee break and explore what it is like to freelance in Australia with me. Grab s...
Jomiro 🦦
For the "do-everything" freelancer. I write about being a freelance graphic designer, who also do...
Freelance Wrestling Focused
A focused, in-depth, and detailed look into Freelance Wrestling.
Sian Meades-Williams
Helping writers earn millions of pounds in commissions since 2018. Calls for pitches, creative su...
Freelancing With Tim
Demystifying the world of freelance journalism. By and for freelancers.
Rodrigo Lamadrid
Te ayudo a construir una vida flexible, remota, y un negocio que cabe en tu mochila. 🎒✨
Damian Allende
Una bitácora sobre diseño y ser Freelancer +40. A veces artista, a veces diseñador, siempre padre.
McBoon Value
Newsletter de lectura minimalista que aporta valor a tu forma de invertir, con lo esencial, direc...
John Smith
A newsletter exploring market anomalies that generate consistent "risk free" profits.
Free Movie Ideas
A subscription newsletter of screen storytelling lovingly delivered every ten days or so from Eme...
King Chan
Sign up now to get notified when it's ready. Recreate Niklas Luhmann’s proven system of generati...
Leif Smith
"Freeorder" names exploration conducive balances among designed and spontaneous orders. Such bala...
sophia june
Free Pizza was a newsletter that ran in 2020. I'm now the co-founder of Language Arts, a literary...
Free Radio Rulo
Community organizer, avid gardener, and poet Big Jim operates a pirate radio station and publishe...
Fr. Cathie - Free Range Priest
Practical ideas and wildly optimistic theories about how the Holy Spirit is transforming the prac...
Shira Erlichman
You are not fixed. You are something that is happening.
Steve Kirsch
If you are a healthcare provider in America, please join to help us restore your free speech rights
Mark Jones
Independent reporting and analysis of the cultural decline of Britain and America, thanks to the ...
Jorge Martinez
Sharing various experiences doing metabolic testing, aerodynamic testing & gait analysis from a T...
"I agree that I am litigating all points (all real, as far as we have so far determined) in a “pl...
Andee D.
Posts about cooking free style without using recipes (and the stemming wins, disasters, and hilar...
Heterodox Academy
Free the Inquiry brings you fresh news, smart commentary, original research, and expert analysis ...
Tara, The Herbal Creative
Free the Jane is an independent publication by Tara Eveland covering the topics we aren't suppose...
We The Patriots USA
Attorney Brian Festa, Vice-President and Co-Founder of We The Patriots USA, writes on current eve...
Sasha Stone
A rumination on the collapse of culture on the left. Is it really that bad? Yes, it is really tha...
❤️ Jenny Blake
How can we earn twice as much in half the time, with joy and ease, while serving the highest good...
Free to Learn Community
Ιnternational collaboration for the practice and protection of the right to choice in learning.
Free Voice Revolution
Free Voice Revolution is a project run by Free Verse Revolution to amplify voices calling for lib...
Sal Randolph
New ways of seeing and the wild joy of writing from artist and poet Sal Randolph
Tiffany Boyd
Sharing the truth about education and dedicated to preserving parental, educational and Constitut...
Hugo Bentz
Chaque semaine > 5 présentation d'outils + 5 codes promo exclusifs
Dr Violet Kieu
One essay, once a season, on Fertility, the Universe & Everything.
A weekly sharing of bonding, intimate moments in France. One story at a time ☕🚲
French Countryside Companion
Lyrically linking you to the landscape of the French countryside through rich details, folksy nar...
Camille Frey-Syren
Une newsletter pour capter l'air (et le goût) du temps et décrypter les grandes tendances de l'ar...
Jessica Carbone
What's cooking--or not--in the worlds of food media, history and culture
Your newsletter which covers the French small, mid and large caps by a British private investor l...
French invaders
There is so much more to the U.S. than Washington DC, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street.
Peggy Poyser
I'm an interior design student and French expat in the US, blending eclectic design with French f...
French Teacher Carlito
Join 50k+ subscribers to my Newsletter. Every Sunday morning, you'll receive an immersive French ...
Learn French with Amélie
Learn conversational French with me in months not years 🚀 Authentic dialogues x2 week 💬 No gimmi...
Leone FREQ!
A newsletter do canal FREQ! Os apoiadores do canal têm acesso antecipado!
Newsletter pour suivre l’actualité du Podcast dédié à la Pop Culture ! Un média 100% passion, 100...
Drew Ponder
Explore the revolutionary Frequency Wave Theory, connecting quantum mechanics, ancient wisdom, an...
Erin Shetron
crude attempts at staying tender when everything is scary and everyone is numb
Paola Bri-González
A newsletter to remind you that home cooking is always the best kind of cooking
Seb Chan
An experiment in fast writing. Thinking in progress about technology, design, heritage, music and...
Erin Kyles
Recipe developer, baking blogger & culinary food scientist. Sign up to receive delicious new reci...
Olufemi Babalola
Behind the hustle for the daily bread is a hunger for the eternal word. Fresh Bread Bulletin prov...
Nanea Hoffman
Join me for thoughtful, heartfelt reflections, personal stories and insights, and original illust...
a home for all things fresh and worth caring about in music, culture, lifestyle and wellness, wit...
Angie Meltsner
The content and culture inspiring me lately, and other things happening over at Tomato Baby.
Wordsmith Wentworth
A place to write short stories, update my readers on my projects, and review the fantastic works ...
Fresh & Fried Hard
food is the entrée, Black women and heritage are the main course
Tina Brown
Tina Brown's observations, rants, news obsessions, and human exchanges.
chloe almeda
thoughts on our thoughts, and how we can better support ourselves when left alone with them
Maegan Heil
..................stories for the chopping block.................. FRESH MEAT [fresh meet] noun ...
Heather Clark
Teaching mindset mastery to Bible-believing Christians.
Tom Cooper
Here are my series of movie reviews/essays I have droned on about. I try to keep it positive but ...
Mike Seay
Grinding it out in Fresno. For those who love (or are trying to love) a small city.
Julia Peccini
Um guia de leitura (das vozes da minha cabeça) para amantes de arte e poesia contemporânea, tudo ...
Axel Fox
Freud's Bones is a narrative-driven adventure that wants to pay homage to the birth of psychoanal...
Mathilda Ferguson
"There was a star riding through clouds one night, and I said to the star: Consume me..." ~ Virgi...
Freya Kellet
Pop your email in below so I can send you the answer to the age-old question “WHY DO WE GET SICK?...
Freya V Locke ACB-KSA
Your dog wants you to read this.
Freya Magee
Reigniting the MySpace blog I abandoned in 2009... My latest activities, reads, tunes and any der...
Dan Eriksson
Dan Eriksson skriver kritiska granskningar och djuplodande analyser av europeisk politik i allmän...
Frictionless Capital
Frictionless Capital is a thesis driven fund investing in blockchains and dApps that scale
Graham Hiemstra
For lovers of leisure architecture, interior design, and other cabin lifestyle adjacent stuff, to...
Mike Taylor
A snackable collection of the week's best from the intersection of Learning, Design & Technology
Emma Bateman
Real food. Real photos. Real life. Inspiring you to cook simple, beautiful food.
Maureen Belderink
Culinaire ontdekkingen vanuit de keuken (en daarbuiten) van Maureen. Voor iedereen die van lekker...
Robert Glazer
Join 100,000+ leaders around the world who are passionate about getting a little better each week.
Nuha Khaled
Dedicated Muslimah, unschooling advocate, and mom of three from Egypt. Blogger and software engin...
Abigail Yonker
notes, thoughts, and links from a Chicago-based 30-year-old with above-average taste in everythin...
Michael Donaldson
A wrap of beer news, features and reviews from Pursuit of Hoppiness.
The Friday Power Lunch is a weekly dynamic video LIVE podcast to amplify the voice of the grassro...
Axel Fiacco
Weekly newsletter about formats, factuals, markets and trends all around the world
David Noël
Highlights of the week about what I'm reading, watching, thinking about, and listening to. Every ...
Friday Speedrun gives you an easy-to-understand and super quick rundown of the week in global mar...
Tan Rosado
One-minute writing tips to help you sharpen your craft and boost your creativity. | Just pure, im...
Annika Sharma
From the keyboard of a fried side hustler to newly full-time creative, mental health insights, le...
Matt Friedeman
On life and disciple-making in the family, in church, in seminary, in prisons.
Laura Marie Meyers
A newsletter about books, writing, and pop culture featuring excessive nostalgia and way too many...
Dr. Emily Smith
Science, public health, and global health through the lens of equity and love-thy-neighbor.
Friendly Capital Management
My personal Substack. Nothing what I write should ever be construed as any kind of financial or i...
Anne Belov
Still searching for my inner panda in a world not always friendly to bears
Meals with minimal effort, minimal cost, and maxmimum flavour. Sometimes baked goods as well.
Talking to my friends who make music, make art, make beautiful lives.
Matthew Sitman
Notes on what I'm reading and thinking about, from the U.S. right to my various endeavors in hist...
Friends & Fiction
Friends & Fiction is a podcast, web show, and online community created by bestselling authors Mar...
Dani Roche
With a healthy dose of communication, and a whole lot of levity, some friendships CAN be forever....
Friends From Work
A conversation about all things Marvel Studios with longtime friends (from work) Kyle Schonewill ...
Gabe Zichermann
Driving employee engagement, loyalty and happiness through the latest Behavioral Science, includi...
Anna Goldfarb
Journalist Anna Goldfarb, author of MODERN FRIENDSHIP, explores the dynamics of friendships throu...
Sheryl Kraft
Have a friendship problem? We’re here for you: Two seasoned friendship experts share practical ad...
JoAnn Chateau
If you want a friend in Washington, elect a noncorporate progressive to Congress.
Devon Saliga
Learning languages in groups & classroom settings has been ineffective for too long. Beepboop is ...
Max Friedman
Musings and milestones from the Givebutter journey, written by the company's CEO.
Friends of Hollywood Florida
Incorporated to Promote Smart Growth and Preserve our Natural Heritage
Friends Of SaaS
Biweekly newsletter that helps businesses by featuring actionable tips and strategies for buildin...
Charlie Swift
A podcast and community for creatives who crave connection, understanding and support.
Isn't it amazing that Jesus said "You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer ...
Tanya Mozias
Learning languages in a divided world. Come and follow along with my journey to learn 12 language...
Honest and sane opinion and analysis. I speak truth to power and I am beholden to nothing and to...
Cassie Roma
Giving you that little bit extra to fill you up. The salty, the golden, the comforting, the naugh...
Fringe Finance
Finance articles (Crypto, Companies, Market, and Global) written by a former Wall Street financia...
Lisa Bobrow
Thoughts from the edge of a world in disorder. Exploring the topics of human consciousness, mind ...
Marina Schakarian
Der Newsletter für Inspiration, Übungen und Tipps, die Dich und dein Team besser machen.
Sanna Salanimi
Anonymous medical professional with a history of blogging-- writing about life status-post autism...
Nancy Friedman
Names, brands, writing, and the language of commerce, plus occasional tangents.
Monica Campagnoli
Ciao, mi chiamo Monica Campagnoli. Sono l'autrice del blog Tortellini&CO e Fritto Misto è la mia ...
Fr Matthew C. Dallman
The Preaching and Teaching of Fr Matthew C. Dallman, Obl.S.B.
Jon Macaskill
Jon Macaskill, a retired Navy SEAL (Frogman) turned mindfulness teacher (hence Frogman Mindfulnes...
Jaclynn's handicrafts, adventures, reading, and Nature writing, in the Pacific Northwest - and be...
Progetti a cui lavoriamo, iniziative che promuoviamo e idee che ci stanno a cuore — raccolti peri...
John L. Murphy
to a finca under a volcano: Los Angeles native, Ecuadorian newbie
Climate Correspondent Team
A newsletter exploring the climate crisis around the globe.
Rose Esteva de la Torre
Philosophy, culture, spirituality, art, storytelling and myth, and tending to life/land/creatures
Marte Marie Forsberg
A recipe journal for people who like to eat, from a greedy cooks table in the English countryside...
Alpha Wears
Fashion, Lifestyle, Leather, Shoemaking, Shoe care, Wardrobe Management
Kelsey Andrews
A monthly chatty letter from a somewhat eccentric writer friend.
Tyler King
A fun and interesting pathway into that Big River called jazz. See Spotify Playlist: From Fred As...
Brendon Baker
Writings on how to effectively make things different. Simple. Usable. Inspirational. 'Best Pract...
Nathalie Longevial ⭐️
La newsletter "From Baiona with Love" : tous les vendredis dans votre boite mail, 5 minutes pour ...
Andrew Gillan
The world of football through the eyes of a Northern Irish writer/teacher living in Madrid
Bel Drury
Tall tales and wise words from my favourite people, bar people, and me.
Lucien Telford
The World According to Luce. A newsletter detailing my mildly interesting life. Aviating, husband...
Jane Barr
Jane Barr's commentary on Kate, Meghan, and the British royals.
Ana Clara Montenegro
Writing from breath and movement. Inspired by Yoga philosophy, movement practices, and decolonial...
Gary Gruber
Musings from my mind and posts are about finding meaning and purpose in the ordinary ...
Jessie Kwak
Dispatches from the trenches of running a full-time writing business.
courtney summers
you're only as good as your next book. I'm writing mine.
Elizabeth Graham
While the American media spotlight remains fixated on Trump's legal woes, a crucial and overlooke...
Paul Bullock
From Jurassic Park to Jaws, Last Crusade to Lincoln, this is your home for all things Steven Spie...
Rand Paul Review
For the latest on Donald J Trump, MAGA, and conservative causes.
Ally Mitchell
Stories and lots of unfussy recipes to try, all from my kitchen in Toulouse
Jonnie T
Discussions, insights, and, my personal thoughts about what I see in God's Word to share with you.
Brianna Lambert
God's glory shines throughout every piece of our day. He builds our faith even in the midst of ac...
Juliana Lima
Olá! Aqui é onde escrevo e compartilho tudo o que gosto e acho interessante, como por exemplo, ar...
Julia Schneider
Event recommendations on culture, cinema and Central & Eastern Europe in Berlin and elsewhere.
Monthly updates from the studio of K-A Creative Brand Design with opinion pieces on recent rebran...
'From Keeper's Cottage' is *not* a parody blog, but might read that way. From stinking sourdough ...
Victoria Olsen
Excerpts and writing guidance from my family memoir about my father Earle Olsen's art career, esp...
Lindsey Sims
Hi, I'm Lindsey Sims! I'm glad you're here. My blog features: Curriculum Writing | Content for ...
Lacey Delayne
Why society is sick, in the words of Erich Fromm. And a daily encouragement on your personal grow...
Annie Wong
Hi, I'm Headexplodie! I tell visual stories about creative practice, humor in the mundane, and be...
Katherine Baldwin
Supporting you to love yourself, find and keep healthy love and create a joyful life by sharing e...
Mick Parsons
From Mile Post 604, the Port of Louisville, is a substack of essays, stories, and poems mostly ab...
Missy Bari
Words to help us engage our inner lives by naming the often hidden—but deeply true—things.
Janelle Holden
Curious what it's like to live in Europe as an American? Read American journalist Janelle Holden'...
Cynical Vegan
I started a food blog but accidentally ended up telling life stories so combined the two and here...
Jim Richardson
Random observations of societal evolution with an emphasis on truth decay.
Darya Zorka
A newsletter about Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, and about living in challenging times. Bridg...
Kaitlyn Rightmyer
Reflections and lived wisdom on the journey to reclaiming wholeness. A place to explore the depth...
Dawn Levitt
Writer, poet, 2-time heart transplant recipient. Scars are tougher than skin. Trauma survivor. S...
Kelly Bloomfield
Newsletter is currently on a summer sabbatical as I focus on creating and getting my pattern stor...
Andromeda Romano-Lax
The personal Substack of novelist and book coach Andromeda Romano-Lax, author of DEEPEST LAKE, AN...
Gabriela Trofin-Tatár
My personal Substack. Not necessarily from my kitchen table. A compilation of ideas, thoughts, an...
Melanie Lionello
A newsletter featuring simple, seasonal & scrumptious recipes!
Jessica Wood
These posts will made up of all the open tabs on my computer (and reflections swirling in my brai...
Suzi | Trust and Bloom
Musings on being ever-evolving humans gently seeking our truest selves.
Anna Kerry
A newsletter for women navigating the path to wellness after health challenges. Drawing on my own...
John G. Dawson
It's "the best of times and the worst of times." Best materially, worst philosophically! Read & w...
Insights, reflections, and creative vibrations from inside the bubble to you.
Jane Kenney
From Passion to Paycheck is a program specifically designed to help freelancers of all kinds get ...
Michael Magoon
Promoting an awareness and understanding of human material progress. How we got it, and how we ca...
Ray Young Bear
Narratives from a Meskwaki on modern day America in the Midwest.
Nicholas Penrake
From Resilience To Reward is like a wall against which to bounce your own fears and hopes, gains ...
Gregory Shushan, PhD
Exploring near-death experiences and the afterlife across cultures and throughout history.
Michal Pitr
I build software from scratch and share my learnings! I especially enjoy topics around compiler...
Jones Beach
I was diagnosed with autism at age 31 and my father still doesn’t believe me. This is the non-pro...
From Script to Screen
A Creative Journey Through Acting & Filmmaking. Hey Peeps! I'll share behind-the-scenes insights ...
Camilla Grayley
I write about getting out into the garden, design, the latest garden trends and share my passion ...
Corey Kilgannon
A collection of poems and thoughts from a Contemplative Christian Artist, sound therapist, death ...
Anna Sale
Writings, recommendations, conversations and FUN from Anna Sale, host of Slate's podcast Death, S...
Shirish Nadkarni
An Insider's guide to launching and scaling your Tech startup
Terence Lester, Ph.D.
From Streets to Scholarship is a newsletter about dignity, compassion, justice, faith, culture, a...
A biweekly newsletter focused on leading a more creative, joyful, and intentional life! ✨
Karen Siegemund
Grateful reflections on what we have, and ensuring we don't lose it
Lotus Blu Book Art
Vignettes and reveries from an unconventional bookbinder living in a picturesque paper mill town ...
M.L. Eaden 🏳️🌈
This the place were you can get all the news, information, and promotional details from the autho...
Brandeis Journalism
The official newsletter of the Brandeis Journalism Program. Updates, opportunities, and more news...
Emika Oka
Sharing her unique perspective on the world as a hearing-impaired autistic person with bipolar di...
Marc-André Argentino
Writings about ideologically motivated violent extremist trends from the depths of their ecosyste...
Ariel Okin
thoughts from the brain and desk of ariel okin, interior designer, editor in chief, writer, podca...
Ajay Karwal
A weekly newsletter about web dev, design, productivity and being a good human.
Alex Wolf
Hi. Subscribe if you want to laugh, learn stuff about business and occasionally hear me complain....
Alicia Kennedy
Essays, criticism, and interviews on food, culture, and media sent out on Monday morning. Subscri...
Amy Suto
Make writing your job with my curated ✍️ writing job board with high-paying writing work and oppo...
Andre Margatini
Author, teacher, good dude, makes lots of wacky art, bad drawings, social commentateur, capitalis...
Baron de Ropp
a place for ttrpg musings, worldbuilding, and gaming culture
Brett F. Braley-Palko
A lifestyle newsletter focusing on recommendations, style tips, and the occasional musing
Bridget Watson Payne
Musings, news, and recommendations on art, books, writing, editing, creativity, publishing, freel...
Erin Bowman
Writing advice, publishing insights, and musings on living a creative life from Edgar Award-nomin...
Fran Hauser
A monthly love letter from your ride-or-die nice girl, where I share career and life tips to help...
ina yalof
Reflections on craft, creativity, life, and everything in between
Ivan Throne
In these early days of the Third World War you need real information. The gaps and opportunities ...
Marlowe Granados
The new home of my advice column 'Designs for Living', essays on things I adore (Drinking Alone, ...
Satori Maestra
Screenwriter & Author. Currently working on my latest project "I Can't Go Back To Sinchon" in bot...
Shanda McCloskey
A monthly newsletter about my writing and illustrating kids' books along with the wins/woes that ...
Music, audio, our new studio in Northern France... and anything else that drips out of my brain.
John Wolfstone
a Love-Fire of Myth, Mystery and Magic in service to Cultural Redemption
Robert Stage
Welcome to my Substack, where we will explore life's little twists and turns, from the driver's s...
Adam Hollowell
a newsletter of practical wisdom and personal reflections on life, teaching, and the common good
links straight from the mouth of Simone de Beauvoir (and that's a promise)
Matthew Small
Celebrating all things hospitality, from the humble pub to cocktail history, service tales, and m...
Rhyd Wildermuth
A druid's essays on politics, culture, and the sacred at the end of empire.
From The Frontlines
From the Frontlines is a bi-weekly newsletter to get you up-to-speed on the local political stori...
Sarah Walker Gorrell
I love porches, and fireplaces, and cemeteries and church steeples, tracking my ancestors and cl...
Edward Rooster
Imagining the Future through the Past, by writing Lyrical Historical Essays and Science Fiction ...
Angelina Danae
From the hand is a curious look at the things we make and all that makes us in return.
Ruhie Vaidya
A place to reflect on moments, big and small, that touch our hearts, open our eyes, and change ou...
Lisa Donovan
Recipes. Travel. Strong Opinions. Get in here.
Carol L. Clark
I focus on politics, history, spirituality, women's issues, and features that interest me.
Karis Rogerson
Thoughts from the heart, from the camera roll, and from the page!
Lawson Wallace
News and information about me and my writing and things I find interesting.
The contact and the habit of Tlon have disintegrated this world.
Thea Portnoy
Diary entries, abandoned to-do lists, and other titillating pieces of prose
Terra Oliveira
Publication announcements, upcoming events, reflections, reading recommendations, and more.
Dr Michelle Tolfrey
A newsletter for those finding their way when life hasn’t gone to plan. Integrating psychology wi...
J. Elkin Kennard
Discourse on the world from a blind point of view. Less codified than Sightless Science Speak & ...
Susan G.S. Abel
Thoughts from a journaler on journaling.
Stéphanie Bonnet
The only newsletter about stylish hotels you need. Honest reviews of boutique hotels and unique d...
Munib Rezaie
Thoughts, reflections, and musings on education, parenting, and the day-to-day adventures of runn...
Mel Pine
Impermanence is a core concept of Buddhism, so we understand that our lives can end in the next m...
Matthew Modesitt
I enter your realm a weary traveler, in this great hour of need, to provide counsel on travel ins...
Shaurya Pratap Singh
Hey, welcome to my monthly newsletter that I write to keep myself accountable and give a platform...
Sandy Shaller
I wander through the Tanglewood and the leaves and roots speak to me. I write down the stories th...
Hannah Lou Larsen
A monthly-ish newsletter about songwriting, music and creative inspiration.
Eve Devore
a safe space for my inner child to express herself in her not-yet-perfect English, for the though...
Michelle Mullen
Monthly updates featuring comics, illustrations, and other creative endeavors.
Travis Mitchell Newman
In my study I write sermons. In so doing, I have other thoughts, poems, and philosophical musings...
Wojciech Zawistowski
Practical, no-bullshit insights for developers and engineering managers. From 20+ years in the tr...
From the Trenches
Perspectives and insights on the writing business from experienced television and feature writers.
Sarah Clarkson
Stories grow. Birds sing. A novel sits ready as the kettle boils. And Evensong rings in the darkn...
From the Wunderkammer
I'm a poet, writer of prose, teacher of writing and literature, and this is my newsletter.
Kaama Joy
How to reinvent at any age or stage. A map for those who are breaking up with their world and n...
Tif Marcelo
An author's musings and ramblings about things she loves, things that interest her, or things she...
Kristina Anderson
A space for women of a certain age trying to keep their shit together while navigating midlife, m...
Greg Bulla
Looking at the lessons to be learned from authentic American history and how they can build bette...
Jen(nifer Sage) Willsea
an exploration of possibilities; purposely unpolished
Yeldā Ali
My mother was smuggled around the world with me in her belly. This informs why my work is focused...
Jamie Robyn Wood
Writerly missives, detailing both the mundane and the hysterically unimportant.
Michael Maximoff
I've been in the trenches, building Belkins from a mere idea to the powerhouse it is today. Now, ...
Noah Sheinbaum
Lessons, case studies, and other resources for startups entering and scaling in the defense market.
Frontelligence Insight
Frontelligence Insight: Revolutionizing Public Access to Conflict Intelligence
Mads Brodt
Get the freshest updates from the front-end world, amazing resources to get smarter, and cool new...
Ndeye Fatou Diop 👩🏾💻
Tips to help overwhelmed junior frontend developers level up painlessly. Subscribe and get my fre...
Samora Kariuki
Frontier Fintech Newsletter is a premier newsletter covering the African Fintech industry across ...
Frontier Foundry
@FrontierFoundry Today was once the unimaginable future. Frontier Foundry is a data and artifici...
Dominic Stocchetti
Exploring the effect of emerging technologies on the human experience. For the curious and adven...
Daryl Chow
Helping Psychotherapists Become Deep Learners, in Service of Actual Improvement in Client Outcomes.
Frontier Thesis Press
Frontier Thesis Press is devoted to the study of the history of the frontier and the role it play...
Ben Bergquam
Official Frontline America With Ben Bergquam from Real America's Voice
Colin Strong
All about the activation and application of behavioural science in the real world
Anne Turnbow
On the Front Porch not much is off limits. I tell stories about my experiences with depression, m...
Brad Kyle
"The best music history writing online!" says Mike Degen of "Deeg's Poems" on Substack. It's rock...
Kevin Maney
First-hand tales from the history of technology, and what they tell us about strategy today.
Simon Feilder
FROTH is a newsletter/blog/braindump of thoughts, creations and recommends from British comedian,...
Fr. Raymond Taouk
The focus of this page is to give both spiritual clarity and mental health guidance in time where...
Nicie Panetta
Your guide to exceptional writing about nature, climate, journey, and place—across genres and fro...
Christina W.
Where culinary meets c*nn*bis in unexpected ways. Love good food and good w**d? Come on in.
Tinderbox Poetry Journal
Weekly newsletter for Tinderbox Poetry Journal (uplifting vibrant voices since 2014). Every Monda...
Emma Copley Eisenberg
Craft essays and criticism on writing, books, and fat liberation from the author of Housemates, F...
Gabriel Fruth
A place to share my thoughts and betting picks in the sports world. *DISCLAIMER: This page is a ...
Sid Singh
Financial Advice with some rants on Fitness, Family, and general Fixing of Bad Advice You will l...
Olga Zakharova Kaetano
A journalist's diary: thoughts, articles, criticism, visuals that inspire, provoke, and set the d...
FT400 ES/SPX Futures Trading Education - Setups and Levels using Price Action and Order Flow
Candace Mercer
Reporting from the front lines of the culture war in Olympia WA.
fuckgirl is my public notebook about the future of heterosexuality, consensual non-monogamy, chil...
Fucking Cancelled
Fucking Cancelled is a socialist podcast by Jay Lesoleil and Clementine Morrigan challenging canc...
Jimmy Marble
All the self-expression a self could possibly muster. My name is Jimmy Marble and I'm working on ...
Newsletter about running, training, and everything happening in the running industry.
Fueler - #1 Portfolio Tool
Fueler official newsletter to help knowledge worker win in career and life
Anne Keller
Energy Matters - messages from the Valley of Open Minds - that space between the echo chambers an...
Sonny Morton, MD
Musings about freedom as a lens for solving everyday problems, large and small
Patrick De Haan
Analysis & forecasts on oil markets, fuel prices, U.S. gasoline demand and more
Macario Schettino
México, Economía, Política... pero también otros temas de Largo Aliento
Verio Scattarelli
“Fuga dalla realtà” è una newsletter settimanale, anzi no mensile, anzi facciamo che ci scriverò ...
Ryan Walsh 🟢
Join 392 thoughtful people reading my 3-minute newsletter twice a week.
Full Armor Farm
Farmer, retired Special Operations Marine, Author of Out of the Darkness; How a Special Operation...
Daryl Chow
The hidden sides on psychology, meaning, and the inner & outer life.
Diana Barahona
apocalypse (n.) late 14c., "revelation, disclosure," from Church Latin apocalypsis "revelation," ...
Who Targets Me
A newsletter from Who Targets Me about digital political campaigning in the UK (and sometimes bey...
Eoin Treacy
Empowerment Through Knowledge Welcome to Fuller Treacy Money, the global investment strategy ser...
Full Fridge Club
Brought to you by Common Table, Full Fridge Club: Dishing It Out is the monthly newsletter where ...
Andrei Zinkevich
Every Friday we share practical insights about ABM, demand generation, full-funnel marketing and ...
Maria Gamb-Lipari
I help people unlock a fulfilling life where passion, balance, and creativity come together to no...
Mallory Lance Fithian
Mountain life, simple living, motherhood, and reconnecting to the wild through a lens of liberation.
Bradie Gray
I read all the books so you can sound literate on your next first date. You're welcome.
Niki Elle
A death doula's insights from grief work and life work to help you cultivate meaning and nourish ...
Tristan Capacchione
Articles and essays about news, audio, and media. Planning on publishing once a month.
Josiane Stratis
Full Sentimentale est une infolettre de type carnets d'autoréparation sous plusieurs formes. Entr...
Full Spectrum Jordan
Every week I’ll be sharing brief points on political events in Jordan and its neighbors and the b...
Weekly newsletter on programming, DB architecture, and developer productivity. Subscribe to get i...
The prime 5-minute crypto newsletters read by Investors, and founders alike. Delivered weekly to ...
Bertie Bregman, MD
Dispatches from the Front and Back Ends of Primary Care
An Indian Software Engineer's thoughts and learnings to be financially free. Subscribe to follow ...
Johannes Sundlo
Staying on top of what's cooking in HR, future of work, and leadership.
Jan Tegze
Dive into recruitment tips, hiring insights & more! Subscribe now and shape the future of recruit...
Sign up for our newsletter and stay ahead of the game with the latest in Ruby on Rails and web de...
Harry Rushworth
Better infrastructure, efficient government, and the route to growth
Ola Fakomi
I'm a guy in my 20s with goals & ambitions, as I am sure you have. I write because of you. So th...
Melissa Lyttle
All things photography — with occasional thoughts on books, bikes, coffee, and travel.
David Kerley
The Transportation Transformation. EVs- Space- Aviation. A decade of change.
Marissa Price, MSW
Sharing my observations and reflections in full transparency to aid in our collective healing.
Krista Stryker
A newsletter about passion, purpose, and the pursuit of our human potential.
Elizabeth Oldfield
I’m Elizabeth Oldfield and I write about tending to our souls, staying loyal to our values and se...
Nilofer Merchant
Not just imagining a better way to work but building it. Together.
A newsletter for comedy lovers. Life is hard! Start the week with a laugh.
Sarina Zoe
Holding us to a truer, braver expression, as we shamelessly inhabit our unique brilliance and bea...
Ben Hobson
Weekly articles on investing ideas, styles, strategies and stories for all stock market investors...
Greg Cox
Stay informed about Texas law, policy, and politics with Texas lawyer Greg Cox.
perfume, history, culture, and sometimes a lethal combination of all three. never paywalled.
Margaux Allain
1 dimanche sur 2 à 11h, je raconte ma quête d’un équilibre entre productivité, télétravail, lutte...
ficção, teoria e crítica literária, antropologinha
Kevin L. Brown
Too many nonprofits are unseen, unheard, and underfunded. To get funding, be fundable and findabl...
Fundamental Goob
Analyst. Mainly UK, AU, NZ and US equities. (All views are my own; nothing here merits investme...
Henry Love
Est. 2016. Investing in the infrastructure of the Crypto Industry since day 1.
A heretic creating awareness of unpopular health & nutrition research. Exploring controversial co...
Brad Hargreaves
Each week, we break down a major real estate news story, explaining what it means and why it matt...
Empowering your growth in Product Design. Original articles, tutorials, tips, and interviews deli...
Fundamentally driven stocks that have qualitative advantages explained in a simple manner!
Fungal Diversity Survey
Updates in FUNDIS's mission: to document and protect fungal biodiversity.
Vered Zimmerman
The science of selling investment products. Wednesday afternoons, London time.
Dan Slevin
Dan Slevin has been a professional film critic for twenty years and is currently a regular contri...
Eve Harrell
Join me every Friday as we chat about my writing journey in the world of Revealed.
Joey Held
The newsletter for curious people. Learn a new fact and the story behind it every Friday in under...
Fungi Alpha
A group of DeFi-addicted spores aiming to revolutionize the way alpha is shared.
This newsletter is dedicated to exploring the fascinating and often mysterious world of fungi. In...
Camilla Mazzanti
La newsletter appassionata di funghi che viaggia nel sottobosco come un micelio trovando connessi...
Devin McNulty
Using fun to be more effective at work, not as a distraction. Combining creativity, innovation, p...
Os Ishmael
A newsletter for funky tribe of midlife explorers. Are you approaching 50 (or more), and wonderin...
Laura Becker
Psychoeducational essays on gender, culture, creativity, and personal growth.
Rio Viera-Newton
FunnelStory Team
FunnelStory Team runs a bi-weekly newsletter on sales, data, startups and growth. Subscribe below.
Matt Ruby
Comic Matt Ruby offers standup comedy philosophy, advice, and inspirational quotes from great com...
Saul Betmead de Chasteigner
A place with a simple ambition: To find practical ideas and thinking tools to better live and wor...
Jawaad Khan
Funny short stories with a Muslim voice, from author Jawaad Khan.
FUNshoot News
A newsletter for the modern pafisto - Military, Precision, Practical Marksmanship, and Gunsmithing.
Stephanie Weaver
Despite living with chronic illness, mental health challenges, family estrangement, and disordere...
Dave Copeland
Let's use my type 1 bipolar illness to start an open and honest discussion on mental health.
Daniele Grosso
Questa newsletter si chiama “fuori dal blu”, traduzione letterale di “out of the blue”, un falso ...
Valentina Tonutti
Una newsletter sui trend social e i drammi dei social media manager. Ogni sabato notizie, strate...
Film Tv
Tutte le serie tv che partono, tornano o ricominciano in streaming ogni settimana.
Pamela Frani
La newsletter per aprire la quotidianità ai sogni che popolano l’immaginario.
Nancy Beiman
I've changed careers and am drawing a new comic strip. Stories about its creation will appear her...
James Burton
The updates and creative life journey of James Burton
Furniture For All
"Something of a master at finding the treasure among trash" - The Times
Wendy DeGroat
A poet and long-time teacher-librarian contemplates what to cultivate in her next chapter, musing...
Steven Hindes
Your daily digest for TV, film, and media industry news. Dive into expert analyses, behind-the-sc...
Sharing musings on my life, including topics related to parenthood, books, and trying to balance ...
Flying Books
Every month Allyson Shap and Thom Nyhuus - booksellers at Flying Books, an independent bookstore ...
Michael John Petty
A meditation on the intersection between faith, art, and the everyday things.
We cut through the noise of the startup and investor ecosystem by delivering actionable knowledge...
Chiqui Esteban
Una newsletter sobre mundo de información trivial aunque, espero, interesante sobre fútbol europe...
Futbol is Life
For amateur soccer and football players. How to get back to the game after years on a couch?
Fernando Alves
Palavras despretensiosas sobre futebol, cultura, sociedade e política
Boris Janek
Entdecke die Bedeutung von Positivität in negativen Momenten: Ein exklusiver Newsletter. Mit dies...
Mick Ryan
A conversation about technology, ideas, people and their convergence in contemporary war and comp...
I want to imagine the future as a level-playing field for all. Let's build it, one block at a time.
Tom Westgarth
The ideas and policies that will shape the future, and why they matter today
Gibrán X. Rivera
Musings, missives, gatherings and dialogues rooted in the idea of “Forward Facing Remembering,” a...
D.M. Fox
Baseball in general, Toronto Blue Jays minor league system in particular. Written by D.M. Fox.
Matt Golding
Exploring how stories, communication and comedy can create change
Stephen Reid
Patrick Kizny
Thinking bigger, seeing farther, making impact. Insights into building and evolving creative busi...
Future Protocol is developing tools to help users, communities and tokens when they are in dire n...
Takatoshi Shibayama
Future Design Podcasts seeks to empower individuals to challenge old systems and create a better ...
Jenny Splitter
A newsletter about climate change and the food system with analysis, reporting, and paths for act...
The newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on women's health innovation and FemTech. Subscribe for ...
Abby Sun
We envision a transformed landscape for U.S. independent filmmaking where audience demand, innova...
Declan McGlynn
A newsletter about electronic music technology, creativity and culture by Declan McGlynn
Hamish Clarke
Observations from the second floor of the ivory tower about wildfire, climate change and other stuff
Christopher Lind
Bridging the rapidly changing intersection of business, technology, and human experience so you c...
Michal Klar
Writing about the climate impact of food production, food and agri tech, alternative protein and ...
Future Forum Enabling the Future Forum community to stay in touch.
Javier Ang
Everything you need to know about Consumer x Crypto: Interesting developments, vertical deep-dive...
The Wealth Manager
Exploring the intersection of cutting-edge technologies, Future Forward 23 covers AI, Web3, crypt...
Michael Garfield
Paleontologist-Futurist Michael Garfield helps "Rewild the Singularity" – restoring soul to the p...
Dave Norris
Future Frontier: Black is a premium reader-supported publication for all levels of developers and...
Nikita Khandwala
Future Histories is a collective syllabus for better understanding ourselves and the world around...
Future, Layered
At the intersection of tech trends, bitcoin's monetization, and layered markets.
Future Matters
Newsletter about longtermism and existential risk by Matthew van der Merwe and Pablo Stafforini.
Joel Pearson
Get the latest science and ideas on aphantasia, hyperphantasia, intuition and mental imagery.
Future Natures
Stories, events & ideas on the plural ecologies of commoning and commons beyond enclosures.
Mahesh Venkateswaran
Tracking emerging global landscape around ageing and the longevity economy in India. Relevant for...
Vanessa Mason
Future of Belonging explores disruptions, innovations and trends in how people will fulfill the u...
Future of Forestry EricOwyoung
News and updates from Future of Forestry and Eric Owyoung.
Martin Romero
Insights, analysis and trends in the intersection between health, wellbeing and technology.
Joshua Hoffman
Future of Jewish is the ultimate newsletter about Judaism and Israel. Subscribe to better underst...
Sarah Parcak
The ancient world and its importance for today brought to life by a trowel-shaped pen, held by yo...
Max Matson
A weekly advice column from PlayerZero for product makers about all things AI & product developme...
Kevin Wheeler
For people who are curious about the future of recruitment, Human Resources, and learning and lik...
Suhas Baliga
I write on the future of innovation + all things law, startups and artificial intelligence.
Akasha Rose
Exploring the Future of Work in a Web3 World: the transformative power of decentralized systems, ...
Future of Work Culture delivers the latest workplace trends straight to your inbox. Stay ahead ...
Rachel @ Future Past Astrology
Astrological forecasts, cosmic questions, and other big-if-true musings ✨
Andrew Gillick
Preparing businesses for a cashless society | Money | Governance | Organisation
Ryan Ginard
Musings on the trends, tech & talent that will fuel the next decade of social impact.
Gideon Lichfield
On reinventing democracy, governance, and government for the 21st century.
Future Proof
Written by Ellen Rykers, Future Proof is a weekly digest of environmental news from The Spinoff d...
Future Proof Financial
Jacob Morgan
Become a future ready leader with insights, strategies, and research. Join tens of thousands of o...
Lydia Caldana
Meaningful societal trends. Global South-focused. Future Resources is an open online platform for...
Luke Robert Mason
FUTURES Newsletter from British futurist Luke Robert Mason. Discover the incredible innovations t...
Massimo Canducci
Discover how the technologies of tomorrow are set to transform our world for the better. Stay inf...
Futures Friends
Futures Friends is a global community dedicated to helping its members learn more about futures a...
Tony Peak
Thoughts on writing, futurism, culture, and technology by science fiction author Tony Peak.
Brian Evergreen
The leading weekly newsletter for leaders to get advice on how to solve for the future, do strate...
James Clark
Transport and urban development in Southeast Asia. Dispatches from my travels in the region, and ...
Volney Faustini
Future's Talk, em português é uma conversa continuada a respeito do Futuro do Trabalho e mais: Di...
Nikolaus Roettger
Alles bleibt anders: ein Newsletter für mehr Zuversicht & Zukunft.
Florian Schleicher
Ein inspirierender und aufregender Newsletter über Marketing, Strategien und Nachhaltigkeit. Alle...
Florian Schleicher
An inspiring and exciting newsletter on marketing, strategies and sustainability. Read by more th...
Punit Thakkar
Looking at the future of AI and other futuristic technologies that are available to consumers today.
Brian Reindel 👾⚔️
Fantasy and science fiction short stories. Liminal Spaces is where I share personal observations ...
David Alayón
Soy David Alayón y estás leyendo Future Today, una newsletter semanal para curiosos de la innovac...
Ramanan Raghavendran
Molly and Ramanan chat with cli-fi authors and imagine our climate-changed future.
Grant McCracken
A newsletter from Grant McCracken on culture, trends, blue oceans, black swans, early warnings, t...
Ollie Henderson
I write about how to grow your career without sacrificing your personal life. Along the way, I ex...
Future Worlds Prize
A prize to find the best new writers of colour writing in the fantasy and science fiction genres.
Rob Yang
Helpings artists and designers explore the emerging possibilities of creativity and AI in a digit...
Sergio Vélez Maldonado
Descubre cómo la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) está transformando la vida de todos, desde la forma...
Jaime Martin
Una cuidada selección de contenidos para comprender hacia dónde va la Humanidad en el momento más...
Matteo Roversi
Partiamo da qualcosa che accade nel presente, prendiamo la rincorsa nel passato e facciamo un sal...
Gerd Leonhard
The Good Future is entirely possible - it all depends on our choices today!
Cairo Smith
Part of the next wave. Essays and short fiction on tomorrow and the past. Buying exceptional work...
You'll read about the intersection of A.I, technology, and business and how the future will look ...
futuro fortissimo
🎼 futuro fortissimo raccoglie Note 🎵 su Natura, Tecnologia, Uomo e offre Strumenti 🎸 per capire l...
Futuro Sensível
reflexões sobre o presente por um futuro mais sensível
Fuzhou Food
Chinese Cuisine Recipes from Fuzhou, Fujian, China - Bringing the food of Fuzhou to your kitchen...
Paul Charles Gregory
1. Electoral reform: Parliaments without parties. 2. Character & Ethics. 3. Rescuing Checks & Ba...
Exclusive on SUBSTACK I'm going to share a lot of the behind-the-scenes of my current project "FW...
Sophie Nunberg
1 year, 100 books to read for my PhD preliminary exams. somewhere between book review and diary e...
Emily Schuman
Current musings, hyper-fixations, and finds I typically text my friends — from the founder of cup...
Brian Fink
For Those Who Want to Make Forward Motion in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous World
David Tvrdon
Your weekly one-stop-shop for tech, media & audio news, plus smart, entertaining commentary. No m...
FX Hedge
Economics, finance plus everything they won't mention in the obsolete mainstream media.
Brings you up to speed on the relevant macro developments: central banks, economic data, sentimen...
Chris Martin
A newsletter full of miscellaneous recommendations, half-baked ideas, amateur fiction, and other ...