Make more money
with your Substack

All the tools you need to further monetize your Substack and grow your business.

Sell digital products with Buy Buttons

  • Sell eBooks, guides, videos or other digital products directly on your Substack.
  • Make more money from readers who love your content but prefer a one-time purchase over a subscription.

Create a Discord Server
for your paying subscribers

  • Create exclusive Discord channels and experiences for your paying subscribers.
  • Boost conversion by adding additional value to your Substack subscription.
  • Increase rentention of your existing subscribers.
I've been managing my Substack/Discord flow manually for almost 3 years and it was a pain in the a**!
I’ve been waiting for a service that does this for a long time!
Saves me at least 1-2 hours each day where I can focus more on my articles and Discord community!