Florida Fun In The Sun August 5th 2023

About the Substack

Information and Planning for Our Spring Park Florida Fling for Vaccine Injured, Bereaved, and Families.

About A mother's anthem

I focus on medical injustices and ideas to heal what is broken by greed. I am the mom of a severely vaccine-injured 24-year-old son. I work to expose pandemic failures and hope to heal together with others along this journey.

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Florida Fun In The Sun August 5th 2023's recommended Substacks

Courageous Discourseโ„ข with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake logo
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Courageous Discourseโ„ข with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake

Advancement of clinical science, protection of personal autonomy, liberty, and constitutional rights.

paid subscribers
free subscribers
(UN)Acceptable Collateral Damage logo
Kim Witczak

(UN)Acceptable Collateral Damage

Observations from An Accidental Advocate

Team Humanity Newsletter logo
Suzanna Newell

Team Humanity Newsletter

Stories and experiences of those who suffered adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine and the community we built to support everyone.