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Maarten Boudry’s Substack logo
Maarten Boudry

Maarten Boudry’s Substack

How do we make the future (even) better than the present? By using science, evidence and reason. Progressives need to embrace progress again.

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Katja Grace

world spirit sock stack

Newsletter for worldspiritsockpuppet.com, the blog of Katja Grace.

The Roots of Progress logo
Jason Crawford

The Roots of Progress

The history of technology and the philosophy of progress—a digest of posts from rootsofprogress.org

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Construction Physics logo
Brian Potter

Construction Physics

Essays about buildings, infrastructure, and industrial technology.

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Astral Codex Ten logo
Scott Alexander

Astral Codex Ten

P(A|B) = [P(A)*P(B|A)]/P(B), all the rest is commentary.

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