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Quality Value logo
Quality Value

Quality Value

Tu guรญa para inversiones inteligentes: tesis, oportunidades, herramientas y estrategias que maximizan tus rendimientos.

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The Outsider Investor logo
Francisco Javier

The Outsider Investor

Value Investing

Jonahโ€™s Growth Stock Deep Dives logo
Jonah Lupton

Jonahโ€™s Growth Stock Deep Dives

Paid subscribers get 2-3 deep dives per month, 1-2 mini deep dives per month and 15-20 quarterly earnings writeups plus access to Jonah's investment portfolio (up +220% in 2024, up +134% in 2023) with real-time activity, charts and notes/commentary.

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Galician Investor Quality Research logo
Galician Investor

Galician Investor Quality Research

Inversor privado en empresas de calidad, explicado con sencillez. Comparto 10-12 ideas de inversiรณn al aรฑo y mi camino en este mundo, รญntegro y transparente, superando al S&P500 desde 2020. La calidad del trabajo hace que el 85% de suscriptores renueven.

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