Ideas to ponder while you wait for the coffee to brew, the eggs to boil, or the tub to fill.
I'm a New Zealand-raised writer living in California. I'm also the co-author of Today I Noticed: A Little Book of Mindfulness that Will Change the Way You See the World (Blue Star Press)
Palestinian-Syrian writer exploring the politics of being an Arab-American woman, her love of food, and the nonsense in between.
Drawing explorations, lessons, and weekly art assignments from New York Times-bestselling artist Wendy MacNaughton. Paying subscribers get full access to the DrawTogether Grown-Ups Table creative community and drawing assignments.
Your friendly, practical guide to crafting one-of-a-kind college admissions essays.
Scroll less and live more with science journalist, author, Screen/Life Balance founder and TED speaker Catherine Price. Subscribe to receive essays, ideas, and evidence-backed advice for how to fill your life with more adventure, fun, and delight.
A newsletter about experimenting with a 'slowbatical': slowing down, striving less and exploring more.