An occasional series of essays on the art and commerce of animation.
I am a writer from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. I specialize in speculative fiction and non-fiction media history, particularly on animation.
Don't freak out at the name. We are two Star Wars fan ficcers who discovered we were writing the exact same Palpatine with only one difference in the canon timeline. One wrote Wife of Deceit, and the other wrote Midnight in the Garden, hence the name.
The community meeting space behind The Tall Tales Serial Fiction Magazine (coming soon) and the virtual home for fiction writers who want to refine their craft and help others do the same.
Greetings! This Substack focuses on the Myths & World Building for the continent of Ar'rin, one of four continents in a mythical realm called The Wold. Here Mythic & exciting Fantasy Setting will be explored for free through tales of myth and legend.