Welcome to Sparks of Light! I write about hope through memories, moments and dreams. My words are inspired by a photograph, piece of music or a thought that won't leave me until it's on the page. May my words ignite a spark of hope within you!
I am a lover of books and the written word, with great respect for the power held within poetry and prose. I write about memories, reflections, magic and hope.
My thoughts and reflections on life and how I'm navigating it. Finding what I love and living it.
Former engineer turned independent writer. Lover of Nature, animal lover and, of late, an inveterate aviphile, or bird lover. Arya the Cockatiel, my avian dinosaur companion, keeps me grounded.
Join me on my Journey. We'll go beyond Imagination to "Knowing", beyond Emotion to "Feelings", and Open our Hearts to hear the "Whispers of Knowing" .