Former engineer turned independent writer. Lover of Nature, animal lover and, of late, an inveterate aviphile, or bird lover. Arya the Cockatiel, my avian dinosaur companion, keeps me grounded.
Montreal born. Lifelong Lover of Animals. Retired engineer & journalist. Nature Lover. Arya the Cockatiel is my avian dinosaur companion.
Join me on my journey of life, writing, Nature, and art. A little of this and a little of that.
This must be the place! It's a beautiful world and these writers and artists will inspire you with their love of our only home.
To share and discuss proven no-kill strategies for animal shelters and communities; and explore the intersection of animals and politics, covering topics such as animal welfare legislation, advocacy, and the political landscape surrounding animal issues.
No niches: just life as I find it. Beautiful, infuriating, wondrous and everything in between. And Poetry because that's all of the above.
Welcome to My Photo Journal, a place to share my photography, past and present. Beauty in nature is my muse. I thrive on experimentation and try always to see the world with fresh eyes. Oh, and I like music too, hence John's Jukebox.