If you love someone who struggles with addiction, take a deep breath and read this newsletter. I get it, and I've got you!
Mother of four boys, children's book publisher and author, New Yorker, nature lover, helper of other parents of young adults who struggle with addiction.
Addiction recovery expert and author, Caroline Beidler, MSW explores facets of recovery like mental health, supporting loved ones with addiction, trauma, and more. Pull up a chair.
One small step for woman, one giant leap for...never mind. Enough with the baby steps.
Examining current cultural trends through the lens of addiction, recovery, alcohol, and all the other drugs like your smartphone
A newsletter for people seeking to transform life's interruptions into creative grist
For anyone exploring their relationship to unhelpful patterns. Get heart-sourced, no-bullsh*t insights on addiction, sobriety, and being human from a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and writer.