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Ideas with Legs

by Stephen Rötzsch Thomas

Ideas with Legs

About the Substack

Food isn't cheap, but one ingredient usually is: chicken legs. Ideas with Legs offers up new ideas from around the world for chicken legs, and other unloved cuts of meat.

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  • A monthly Idea with Legs, and occasional bonus posts

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  • Additional recipes: 'Offally Good Ideas' and 'Ideas with Vegs', Cookbook of the Month recommendations, and full archives.
  • Post comments and join the community, suggest your own Ideas with Legs

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  • £35 a year
  • £3.50 a month

About Stephen Rötzsch Thomas

Food and folk music. A Nottingham-based writer and promoter. As well as running Folkroom gigs in London and Brighton, I spend my time writing cookbook reviews and fighting off the affections of my cat, Joni Mitchell.

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