My personal Substack
Progressive supporter of freedom and crusader against fascism and hate. Subscriptions free for now and forever.
Empowering progressive writers with weekly tutorials to help you optimize your content and improve your success on various writing platforms.
Saving American democracy from the GOP's FASCISM one fact (and punchline) at a time! Only the truth--never the corporate media's "both sides" BS!
A Daily Newsletter of Renaissance Thinking about Progressive Politics, Economics, Science, and the Political News Issues of Our Day
This newsletter will include observational humor, gratitude, small doses of advice, memories of heroic persons I knew up close, reminiscence about ordinary life back before Twitter and thoughts about American life and other pleasures.
I've covered everything from three wars, a few presidential campaigns, the Stonewall riots and the Rolling Stones. This column reflects that history and is about politics, culture, personal stories, and the nation's descent into anti-democratic madness.