A Daily Newsletter of Renaissance Thinking about Progressive Politics, Economics, Science, and the Political News Issues of Our Day
NY Times bestselling author 34 books in 17 languages & nation's #1 progressive radio host. Psychotherapist, international relief worker. Politics, history, spirituality, psychology, science, anthropology, pre-history, culture, and the natural world.
I am co-editor on https://wearetheelevator.substack.com with Daniel Pinchbeck. This is my personal Substack where I will be re-posting some re-edited articles from my blog and previous newsletter, including my series on 'Dark Forces', plus new material.
Unearth the secrets of strength, health, fitness, and stability with our Newsletter dedicated to Health and Fitness. Subscribe NOW to get a free eBook entitled: "Health, Fitness, and Nutrition Vocabulary". The download link is in the welcome email.
Project 2025: If Trump wins, he'll turn our democratic republic into a fascist dictatorship. Believe him.
Under Project 2025, Christian nationalists plan to undermine the constitution and overthrow our checks and balances system when Trump takes the Oval Office. Time to suit up and save our world, Democracy Defenders!
WW3 has already begun, but most people don't realize it yet, because it doesn't look like WW2. Russia has been waging cyberwar against America and other western democracies for years.