Hi! I'm Dr. Mariana, an MD writing a good dose of health, emotions, prevention, empathy and hope. Everything that makes life feel good! No medical jargon, just cool learning and good vibes. ๐
Hi! I'm Mariana Calleja, MD, author, dancer, writer, traveller, deep feeler and overall, a curious life enthusiast. Exploring life's vital force. I'm here to write about emotions, health, empathy, hope, and everything that makes life feel good.
Soy Oriol Roda y quiero ayudarte a obtener el conocimiento que te permita conseguir tu mรกximo potencial.
Physiologically Speaking is a publication dedicated to providing the latest science-based information on health and human performance.
Preventive Cardiologist writing on how to prevent heart disease and live longer.
A newsletter about seeing more, feeling more, and asking better questions. Curiosity makes everything better - but can it be *learned*? Let's find out.