Healthy versus unhealthy wine! The good, bad and the ugly of viticultural and winemaking practices.
Author of bestselling Art of the Vineyard. Acting and writing credits include: Land of the Giants, The Farmer, Black Gunn, Once Is Not Enough. Scriptwriter for Over the Top and The American Ninja series.
The Full S.I.P. (Sustainable Industry Practices) provides a weekly roundup of the most relevant sustainability news in the wine world.
A newsletter about the history and present of American winemaking, and the impact wine has on our world and its future, featuring interviews with winemakers, farmers, importers, shop owners, and everyone in between.
Late-night thoughts I jotted down somewhere and turned into essays. Scriptor Scriptus. For more rapid-fire thoughts, follow me on X @SantsPliego or check out New Founding at