Fashion designer Stacy Igel shares the twenty-year journey of building her global impact brand, BOY MEETS GIRL®, from the ground up—while powering through life’s many challenges.
Founder/CCO BOY MEETS GIRL® | Author | Top 100 Podcast Host | Public Speaker | Web 3 | Gaming
A hilarious and often factual romp through the world of social media, old-school media, publishing and whatever else catches our fancy.
I tell it like it is, sharing my innermost thoughts on books and life, so we can all connect. I'm a HUGE book lover. I host podcast Moms Don't Have Time to Read Books, founded a publishing house, own an indie bookstore, and am an author. Convinced?!
If it were just the anthology, dayenu! If it were the anthology, but not the regular essays posted? Dayenu! If it were the anthology and essays, but not the new podcast? Dayenu! If it were the anthology, essays and podcast but not the community? Dayenu.