A hilarious and often factual romp through the world of social media, old-school media, publishing and whatever else catches our fancy.
Bestselling author of the book of the summer THE SICILIAN INHERITANCE and host of the UNDER THE INFLUENCE podcast. Also, mom, travel writer, award-winning journalist and sometimes a decent wife.
Research, reporting, and storytelling on building a world that cares. Join us for The How to Find Your People Club, an IRL community-building project for the 21st century.
Welcome to your new favorite writing community! Expect author interviews, writing tips, & publishing intel from a NYT bestselling thriller author. (Public posts = book news & announcements...plus occasional literary satire). Join us!
A weird newsletter about all the midlife things: kids, parents, food, sex, holidays, rage, and sweating at night, by the author of Waiting for Birdy and We All Want Impossible Things.
A podcast about the intersection of motherhood, public performance and bodies, from Sara Petersen and Virginia Sole-Smith.
Leaving behind an Instagram account of over 500k to create content in a more sustainable way. Let's connect on a variety of topics including motherhood, home decor, style + more