A newsletter from Oona Hanson — for parents and guardians who want their kids to have a healthy relationship with food and their body
Educator and Parent Coach
Practical tips for parents who have kids with eating disorders. Ideas, support, and resources to help you navigate recovery.
A newsletter and podcast exploring the tangled-up place where a generation of parents seeks to raise body-confident intuitive eaters while simultaneously undoing decades of their own diet culture learnings.
Examining weight science, weight stigma, and what evidence, ethics, and lived experience teach us about best healthcare practices and public health for higher weight people.
An anti-diet, fat positive community about body liberation. And good snacks.
Welcome to The Nutrition Tea! This is where I plan to write more in depth and drawn out essays regarding food and nutrition. As per usual, this will always be a food neutral, weight inclusive, with an intersection of social justice, page.