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Magical Western

by Nicole Force, Magical Western

Magical Western

About the Substack

Roseberry Tea is a semi-cozy murder mystery actively being written in installments. Subscribe and Enjoy! Paid subscriptions get extra content that's extra juicy + FINDINGS, a newsletter on weird discoveries made while researching with bits about my work.

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  • The Second Cup of Tea - extra content that's extra juicy! ๐Ÿต
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  • Info and discounts for my other work! ๐Ÿช™

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  • $50 a year
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About Nicole Force, Magical Western

Nicole Force weaves story with issues facing the West. A seasoned industry writer, sheโ€™s also featured in an indie podcast and onstage at Story Story Night in Boise. Her current project "Roseberry Tea" is a semi-cozy murder mystery on Substack.

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