My personal Substack, where I write short essays about interesting thoughts I have, along with some occasional fiction.
Australian from Brisbane city who writes short essays on various topics.
Join us! We are an established study group slowly working through the Organon. In the process we gain a solid grasp of Aristotle's thought, improve our comprehension of difficult concepts, and develop a sophisticated understanding of the world.
Philosophy of Language, Deep Literature, Psychology, Spirituality
A re-post of my blog at minus the free weekly Ogham readings. Psychology, magic, the war of the sexes, archetypes, religion, and the decline of the West are common topics. I do not permit curses worse than "bitch" in comments.
Welcome to the Library, a newsletter and podcast guiding you through the wonders and terrors of literature, history and magic
Extra Muros explores ways for people to obtain the benefits of higher education while remaining "outside the walls" of our dying universities.