free subscribers

an Aristotle's Organon Study Group

About the Substack

Join us! We are an established study group slowly working through the Organon. In the process we gain a solid grasp of Aristotle's thought, improve our comprehension of difficult concepts, and develop a sophisticated understanding of the world.

Free Subscription Benefits

  • complete access to my breakdown and commentary of On Intepretation by Aristotle as well as other selected works

Paid Subcription Benefits

  • complete access to my breakdown and commentaries of the entire Organon
  • you buy me more free time to engage in this activity
  • this gives me the opportunity to produce higher quality content and publish it in shorter intervals

Paid Subscription Plans

  • €50 a year
  • €5 a month

About Aristotle Study Group

Join us! We are an established study group slowly working through the Organon. In the process we gain a solid grasp of Aristotle's thought, improve our comprehension of difficult concepts, and develop a sophisticated understanding of the world.

Subscriber Growth

The number of free subscribers for an Aristotle's Organon Study Group over time since it was added to the directory.

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