Philosophy helps people improve their lives, relationships, and careers. I help people study, understand, and apply philosophy
This is my new site providing information, updates, events, offers, and occasional writings about philosophy, broadly speaking.
I bring philosophy into practice, making complex classic philosophical ideas accessible, applicable, and transformative for a wide audience of professionals, students, and life-long learners.
Making philosophy accessible through an existential lens, offering 'nutshell' versions of key philosophers and a 'Narrative Nook' for short fiction. Published whenever inspiration strikes.
"Top 10 LitMag 2023" Curated short story fiction (Thursday) with a philosophical/ethical focus from our monthly literary magazine. $ subscriptions pay writers!
Hiram Crespo is an Epicurean philosopher and author of Tending the Epicurean Garden (Humanist Press, 2014) and has translated, compiled, and contributed to many other works. He's the founder of the Society of Friends of Epicurus (
Substack by Helen De Cruz, Philosopher. Musings and wonderings about philosophy, religion, art, politics, and literature.