Making philosophy accessible through an existential lens, offering 'nutshell' versions of key philosophers and a 'Narrative Nook' for short fiction. Published whenever inspiration strikes.
I hold an MSc and MA in Philosophy and am working toward a PhD. My interests include the Philosophy of Death, Metaphysics, and Ancient Philosophy. I write the Existential Pulse for things I want to explore.
All the fury of living kind, fighting against useless pain, was in the cry
Substack by Helen De Cruz, Philosopher. Musings and wonderings about philosophy, religion, art, politics, and literature.
Philosophy helps people improve their lives, relationships, and careers. I help people study, understand, and apply philosophy This is my new site providing information, updates, events, offers, and occasional writings about philosophy, broadly speaking.
A publication that bridges Western and Eastern philosophy, thought, and culture.
In Greek mythology, the "Horn Gate" (Greek: ฮฮญฯฮฑฯ) is one of two gates through which dreams pass. According to this tradition, dreams that pass through the Horn Gate are true and prophetic, representing reality and foresight.