A place to learn about disability rights, being chronically ill during a pandemic and how to cope with losing your health & independence.
Disabled & chronically ill writer. Former financier by day & theatre critic by night. Invested in clean air, public health & disability advocacy. Love all things literary and musical theatre.
Heartfelt empathy for Caregivers. A hub of practical tools, resources, and expert insights. A portal of hope.
Sharing my life and knowledge (from my perspective) as a late diagnosed ADHDer, certified ADHD coach, neurodiversity consultant and speaker. Also talking about being a mum to my two autistic/ADHD children and wife to my autistic/ADHD husband!
Disability & cultural analysis from Rebecca, a chronically ill Disability Studies student
Once upon a time there lived a disabled thirty-something trying to maneuver mental health, relationships, a global pandemic, getting older, and day-to-day life. This is her story...
Ever feel like things aren't going well? Think we could do better? Then come on in