Things are not what they seem. Globalists control all political parties and use environmental threats, war, race, and immigration to stir up division and to remain in power. They do not care about your well-being or solving the world's problems.
I enjoy writing and posting articles about my life and the fantastic events that have occurred. We live in an amazing time and I enjoy dedicating my life to better understanding what makes the world go round.
The Energy Transition and all its inherent, inevitable absurdities. Reality doesn't care about your energy fantasies.
Elite class ritual performance, cultural and political decline, military culture, and the dismal state of American journalism.
Discover the news behind the news. News related to Christ, Culture & Creator. The End Times Chronicles connects modern-day events with Old & New Testament prophecies.
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. A political shift similar to the Glorious Revolution is underway and I am here for it.