Subscribe to The End Times Chronicles—a beacon of hope for the curious mind or the troubled soul. Dive into resource-rich eschatological insights, guidance, and inspiration during our Lord's End Times.
Eschatologist, Author, Film Producer & Cultural Church Historian. My mission is to advance Christ, Culture & Creator through the indwelling Life of Jesus.
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Forged in Scripture and REAL life. No comfortable Christianity—just BIBLE truth that drags both broken men and desperate women from the pit. We build warriors from the wreckage Satan left behind.
Everyday Theology works through Bible passages and writes articles of reflections pondered in spare time. Their aim is to give men and women something to hold onto for hope and encourage them to embrace Christ as their treasure.
WELCOME! As a member of The Pendragons, I’ve met and performed magic for audiences worldwide, including famous personalities. I will be writing about my magical journey and talking about those beautiful experiences (and not-so-beautiful) on my podcast.