Get Paid for Being You

About the Substack

Ideas to start and grow your personal brand and online business. I specialize in branding, copywriting, storytelling, sales and LinkedIn. Let's make you grow without losing your personality.

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  • Occasional public posts

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  • One monthly group call to talk about branding, copywriting, and LinkedIn
  • Discounts on my books, courses, and programs
  • One subscribers-only monthly post answering the most voted question on branding, storytelling, copywriting or LinkedIn

Paid Subscription Plans

  • $150 a year
  • $15 a month

About Carmen Ballesteros

Anthropologist, traveler & entrepreneurship coach. Serial optimist. I help you be confident with your personality to build a personal brand that truly represents you. Be shamelessly you, proud of yourself, and have fun in the processโœŒ๏ธ

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