The same kind of things we talk about on the podcast "Busy Philipps is Doing Her Best" but in different ways!
co-host of "Busy Philipps is Doing Her Best" & I do a bunch of other stuff too!
funny & disarmingly honest missives from my spiraling brain, including but not limited to: recovery, queerness, art, mental health, parenting, existential angst, love, sex, the agony & excellence of being alive PLUS all things Shame Spiral Podcast!
Join our fun, cozy, creative world of podcasts, music, film, art, friends, making stuff, curating stuff, debating stuff, celebrating stuff we love.
Kristen Bartlett is trying to make herself leave the house to do fun things. Things like: Visit museums. Go to a beach & not immediately leave! Have fun! But what she really wants to do is stay home and cook. This Substack is about both those things.