Midlife, widowed mom to one tween boy. I write about some of the crazy sh*t grief made me do after my husband died from cancer in 2021.
Multifaceted midlife woman and widowed mom. Exploring the intersection of sexuality and grief as a catalyst for growth after catastrophic loss. Follow along as I reinvent my life.
The number of free subscribers for Absolute Pleasure over time since it was added to the directory.
A Caribbean woman rewriting the world through (speculative) fiction and opinion pieces. Fiction, food, and ramblings galore.
A year-long experiment in purposeful productivity, all through the lens of mental health and wellbeing. New posts every Tuesday at 7am Pacific. 💚
I am a middle-aged woman who is navigating mid-life challenges. I am also a wife, a mother of a teen, a pet mom, a small business owner and a writer in my soul.
Comically ordinary stories from my life as a recovering people-pleaser.
Yoga practices + wisdom to align you with Mother/Nature's natural rhythms 🌱