A bi-monthly collection of sometimes snarky, sometimes serious musings of a writer fumbling through life’s shoulds and shouldn’ts, the do’s, don’ts and must haves.
Lori Duff Writes stuff. Here, you get to read it. Sometimes it's funny (when in doubt, it's a joke) sometimes it's thoughtful. Oftentimes, it's random.
I am an author advocate, publisher of She Writes Press and SparkPress, book industry insider, and champion to writers who show up to the page because they must.
Weekly Inspiration for Writers - A Weekly Podcast with cohosts Brooke Warner (She Writes Press) and Grant Faulkner
I tell it like it is, sharing my innermost thoughts on books and life. I host the daily podcast Totally Booked with Zibby, founded a publishing house, own an indie bookstore, host retreats and a book club, created On Being Jewish Now, and am an author!