Roots of Belonging

About the Substack

Meditations on animal interiority to nurture our inner and outer landscapes. This is home-building in a post-human, late capitalist world. Towards an interspecies, regenerative belonging.

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  • Occasional public posts

Paid Subcription Benefits

  • Directly contribute 100% to our bursary fund for marginalised people to attend outdoors workshops
  • Join a community building embodied kinship with nature
  • Cultivate your own regenerative belonging

Paid Subscription Plans

  • £36 a year
  • £3.50 a month

About Isabella McDonnell

Dispute resolution trainee lawyer and facilitator. I host @xeno_pod and founded outdoors venture Roots of Belonging, which hosts outdoor workshops for mixed & multicultural POCs. I write about nature connection, interspecies ethics and belonging.

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