in ⚔ Fiction


About the Substack

Cherrytown is a historical-fantasy novel set in an alternate American Revolution. Vampires exist. Werewolves howl a lot. And Samuel Burtwhistle, monster hunter and struggling alcoholic, is just trying to rid himself of a book that devours people's souls.

Free Subscription Benefits

  • All content is free for everyone everywhere. But feel free to pay me because I work hard on this stuff!

Paid Subcription Benefits

  • Each morning when you wake up a small bird will land on your windowsill.
  • The bird will sing the chorus of the 1994 song. "Send Me On My Way" by Rusted Root.
  • Dappled sunlight will shimmer through your window as you listen to the bird and smile.

Paid Subscription Plans

  • $66.66 a year
  • $6.66 a month

About Jason A. Smith

Science fiction and fantasy author based in Brooklyn, NY. Production Manager for Audio Literary Magazine Kaleidocast. Member of Brooklyn Speculative Fiction Writers.

Cherrytown is my serial-in-progress.

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