
About the Substack

Windflower is a home for clean and wholesome Catholic fiction, fantasy, and fashion design. Be drawn into the lands of Lharmeval, Silvaria, and out into the galaxy to explore; backtrack in time through fashion history and design!

Free Subscription Benefits

  • A weekly edition of Windflower Fields, with new articles on fashion or fiction, chapters of a novel, and/or fashion projects.

Paid Subcription Benefits

  • Access to the full archive of Catholic fiction and fun fashion projects!
  • Polls on what dresses and costumes to recreate from history, film, and TV.
  • My gratitude, as you help me to continue using my talents for God!

Paid Subscription Plans

  • $5.50 a month
  • $55 a year

About Thérèse Judeana

Thérèse Judeana is a Catholic author with En Route Books and Media, which published her Ransom: Shadow of an Empire trilogy. Thérèse spends her free time studying fashion history and design, sewing, baking, and cuddling her cat.

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