Everybody's got a past. The people who can look back on it with an eye toward the experiences they've accrued and the lessons they've learned... Theirs are the stories that I want to hear.
Interviewer for the AV Club (200+ Random Roles), Decider, Vanity Fair, Variety, Vulture, and many other outlets not starting with “V.” Happily married w/ child.
The number of free subscribers for That Thing They Did over time since it was added to the directory.
A newsletter guaranteed to change your life by actor, comedian, podcaster, and NYT Best Selling author Paul Scheer.
Reviewing television one episode at a time like it's not going out of style.
The adventures, insights, and travel tips of a gay nomad couple exploring the world. A "Substack Featured" Newsletter! Also seen on CBS Sunday Morning and CNN.com.
The World's Greatest Music Newsletter, delivered to your inbox every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings.