Where The West Begins

About the Substack

Science fiction, fantasy, poetry, & opinions about my city, state, & country. This site is just me in a nutshell. If y'all like it, please subscribe. But If not, I quote Davy Crockett: "Y’all can go to hell, and I will go to Texas.”

Free Subscription Benefits

  • Original free archive (08/21/23--09/15/23) and occasional public posts available to everyone.

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  • Subscriber-only posts and full archive
  • Post comments, give feedback, and join the deeper "Tex" community
  • Suggest ideas for new stories/poems/articles, and engage on a deeper level with the authort

Paid Subscription Plans

  • $48 a year
  • $6 a month

About Tyler B. Morrison

Howdy! The name's Tyler, but I go by other handles, including @textexantex. I write pulp fiction, poetry, & hot takes. My substack is a love letter to the Western Literary Tradition & my own home, Fort Worth, TX -- "Where the West Begins."

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