I write about a smorgasbord of subjects, always with a dash of hope. If you love reading about humanity, literature, writing, cinema, video games, and other related and unrelated stuff, let's connect.
I write on a variety of subjects, always with a dash of hope. You can subscribe to me at https://whenhopewrites.substack.com/. For editing contact me at https://www.ngediting.com/.
Literature and poetry reviews, guest posts, interviews, tips and tricks, and more
Where nurturing is the secret ingredient to the elixir of Love
Philosophical ravings, surrealism, poetic ruminations, self-help, and essays on the art of living by an endangered Beatnik. Overall a wellspring of creative pursuits- straight from the mind of a misfit creative.
A monthly newsletter showcasing happenings and information about the WWII Japanese American Concentration Camps - exhibits, pilgrimages, art projects, books, archives, and community news.