in 💰 Finance

VanDiemen Vagabond 🦘

About the Substack

Documenting the growth/decline of my portfolio since escaping 🇦🇺 in '23 & my past life as a geologist⛏️
Thoughts on; Living in LatAm🌎 Internationalising✈️ Offshoring🏝 Real 'Financial independence' & an attempt to do something different to the norm🐑

About Tom

Documenting the growth/decline of my portfolio since leaving 🇦🇺 in '23 & my past life as a geologist⛏️ Writing on; Living in LatAm🌎 Internationalising✈️ Offshoring🏝 Real 'Financial independence' & an attempt to do something different to the norm🐑

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