Documenting the growth/decline of my portfolio since escaping 🇦🇺 in '23 & my past life as a geologist⛏️
Thoughts on; Living in LatAm🌎 Internationalising✈️ Offshoring🏝 Real 'Financial independence' & an attempt to do something different to the norm🐑
Documenting the growth/decline of my portfolio since leaving 🇦🇺 in '23 & my past life as a geologist⛏️ Writing on; Living in LatAm🌎 Internationalising✈️ Offshoring🏝 Real 'Financial independence' & an attempt to do something different to the norm🐑
Plain-spoken insights from an ordinary guy just trying to figure out markets. No fancy finance degrees here. Expect contrarian views and ideas. I mainly write about Uranium, Coal, and Oil.
Energy modelers Isaac Orr and Mitch Rolling write about the energy issues facing our world.
I write about non-traditional investing and speculating. Looking to provide asymmetry means I am trying to turn $1 into $10 by finding situations moving from terrible to less bad.