Tucos's Child Newsletter

About the Substack

Your Safe Space for Pulp Non-fiction

About Tuco's Child

A chemist ๐Ÿงช and always learning.

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Tucos's Child Newsletter's recommended Substacks

GreenNUKE logo
Gene Nelson, Ph.D.


A Substack focused on the benefits of nuclear power generation

The Joule Thief logo
K.T. Lynn

The Joule Thief

How to Catch a (Joule)Thief: Tips for The Modern Electricity Consumer

What then? logo
Sam Alaimo

What then?

Original Stoic Essays | Former Navy SEAL

Energy Bad Boys logo
Isaac Orr

Energy Bad Boys

Energy modelers Isaac Orr and Mitch Rolling write about the energy issues facing our world.

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My Favorite Classical Music logo
Vitaliy Katsenelson

My Favorite Classical Music

Thursday highlights about a classical piece or composer along with Saturday classical picks for a beautiful start to your weekend.

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