Words! L-O-V-E THEM! You, too?! Join me at the table to share what's on the Menu: poetry, prose, discuss featured writers, and more. Taste the daring to the divine! It'll be YUMMY!!!
I’m a W.R.A.P.!
Writer. Reader. Author. Poet.
Been a server/cook/bartender, Dixon Melon juggler, ranch wrangler,
student- journalist/actor/producer/director, elder caretaker, ELA teacher, antique hobbyist, social advocate and more!
Exploring books, literary lives and Cambridge women’s history
Welcome all seekers and travelers! Welcome to my little campfire. Grab a chair and make a S'more. I know it can be so cold out there in the wild. You are safe here. Can I share a story with you? It's all about how fear is no match for love.
A newsletter about writing & other things that make this life dear—from the poet, not the dame