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After He Said Cancer

by Kristina Adams Waldorf, MD

After He Said Cancer

About the Substack

Chronicling the emotional rollercoaster of the cancer journey. Learning to find beauty and the sacred in the every day. Supporting others with cancer and their caregivers.

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  • "The 10 Healing Practices That Guided Me Through Grief" and free posts

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  • "The 10 Hardest Truths I Learned as a Cancer Caregiver"
  • Personalized Q&A where I take your questions in the After He Said Cancer chat
  • Private reflections on the lessons I learned along the way

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  • $7 a month
  • $60 a year

About Kristina Adams Waldorf, MD

Memoirist, essayist, emotional writer. Physician-scientist. Devoted wife of a man with male breast cancer.

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