In this time it is crucial that all are aware of world events. Some of these things can be frightening, if you allow them to be. The key is to keep your sanity through this transitional period is to use this information appropriately. Knowledge is power
My biggest goal in life is to do, think, say, and act, in a way that reflects God's influence and direction
An independent, podcast-fuelled newsletter devoted to dismantling weaponized "consensus" in science: COVID-19, transgender care, nutrition, and mental health.
5 Big Ideas by Jen Hitze is newsletter about self-improvement, culture, and humanity. It is read across 121 countries and all 50 U.S. states.
As the MOST BANNED WOMAN IN THE WORLD, Laura Loomer is the enemy of big tech censors, establishment Republicans, communist Democrats, and the globalist elites they take their orders from. Get her most groundbreaking journalism here.