Welcome to TheOneThing1 a place where everyone invited into my journey in the faith. In this space, the Lord's abundant grace paves the way. Plan to be rooted, watered, nurtured, and encouraged here knowing you are valued and loved.
Hello, my name is Andrea Brown. I am an aspiring author and the scribe behind TheOneThing1.
I pray you hear the Good News through my journey and gleanings in God's word, experience the heart of Jesus, and walk away feeling valuable and loved🫶🏾.
Serenity in Suffering offers articles and resources designed to help you grow personally and find spiritual intimacy with Christ; ultimately finding purpose in the trials you face.
Together, we delve into the beauty of life, where I share beauty, poetry, writings, my faith journey, and some of the difficult things in life. Our God is our redeemer, and it is an ashes-to-beauty kind of story. STAY AWHILE.
Come journey with me--a faithful creative, professor, and counselor-- as I find THE WAY BACK to myself... and everything that is beautiful, sacred, noble, and good in this world. So, sit and stay a while because YOU BELONG HERE.