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the night garden: wisdom-play via nondual animism

About the Substack

*Liberatory Poetics, Artmaking, DeathPractice*
aligning with the unknown and unknowable -
mapping out decolonial, nondual animist alternatives to justice -
the home of deathpractice & deathclown methodologies & animist approach to addiction.
#Daoist Arts

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  • much of my work has been free, and much will continue to be so

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  • this is a mutual aid tier that supports all the FREE writing and projects
  • access to premium content, information, exercises + at least 1 three hour lecture each month

Paid Subscription Plans

  • $150 a year
  • $15 a month

About darius/dare carrasquillo

Multidisciplinary artist focusing on animism, decolonizing perception & theater arts. I'm 45, mixed race, sick & poor in America. I've developed deathclown, an offshoot of bouffon clown & deathpractice, a decolonial posttraumatic growth method

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Peter Gray

Play Makes Us Human

Letters about the roles of play in human evolution, child development, culture, and daily living

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