The Indirect Market

About the Substack

Dispatches from the frontline of graphic novel (and comic) retail.

About Brandon Schatz

Co-Owner of Variant Edition Graphic Novels + Comics in Edmonton, Alberta. We once won an award for the Best Comic Shop in Canada.

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Ryan K Lindsay

The Two Fisted Homeopape

Comic writer Ryan K Lindsay & his meandering brain. Aussie: comics, weird, D&D. You might have read - ETERNAL, NEGATIVE SPACE, EVERFROST, BLACK BEACON, BEAUTIFUL CANVAS, CHUM, HEADSPACE, DEER EDITOR, or my other comics through Kickstarter.

It's Chip Zdarsky's Newsletter, Okay? logo
Chip Zdarsky

It's Chip Zdarsky's Newsletter, Okay?

your ONE STOP shop for chip tips and chipomics (chip comics)

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