Art without the confusing art speak. Stories about all the stuff that artists explore and question: whatโs going on, how we think and behave, and the role of art in our world.
Writer on art, history, culture and politics. Lecturer in modern and contemporary art. Social historian. Curious about almost everything.
The number of free subscribers for The Gallery Companion over time since it was added to the directory.
Tomorrow Never Knows is a podcast on history, politics, popular culture masterminded by historians Charlotte Lydia Riley and Emma Lundin. Footnotes will alert you to new podcast episodes, while Conversations fills some of the space between them.
Prime Women Artists is a network of women artists in Cornwall UK. We work across all disciplines and our aims are to collaborate, inspire, support, learn together and share our practice. Read on for group news and thoughts about creative practice.
A newsletter about women, art, the market, and how we can change the status quo.
Meet the beloved pets that lived with beloved artists. Posts delivered monthly.
Real life stories and short reflections explaining how our complex and beautiful brains work, from the host of the Psychologically Speaking podcast, Leila Ainge.