Focusing on religion, politics, race, pop culture, and technology The Amalgamation is a collection of musings, reflections, audacious think pieces, and invitations to co-conspire for good..
Formed in the 209 & 916, raised a family in the 415, and now living in the 408. Full-time author, speaker, and coachsultant. An occasional pastor, a convener of people, and mediocre at a great many things. Welcome!
The number of free subscribers for The Amalgamation over time since it was added to the directory.
A place to imagine (a world) otherwise by the stories we share with each other. Looking at religion, race, (Asian American) culture. Talking church, faith, and spirituality. Engaging practices of belonging and solidarity.
Part retreat, part think tank. A place for inspiration and ideas about culture, faith, and spirit.
Kaya Oakes is the author of six books. She writes about the intersections of religion, gender, politics and culture. When she's not writing, she's teaching the next generation of writers at UC Berkeley. This newsletter is free.