A weekly newsletter and community centered around PreK-12th grade education, homeschooling and modular learning.
CEO and co-founder of Modulo. Passionate about children and the environment. Citizen of life and french cafés.
The number of free subscribers for The Modulo Community over time since it was added to the directory.
A free weekly newsletter from Jonathan Haidt and his team using moral psychology to explain why so much is going wrong
Get updates about my favorite apps, tech culture, and other ideas that inspire me. If you're lucky, you might hear from me every couple weeks (but not more frequently).
What if schools were designed for humans? Putting together a big-picture view of humanity to craft new kinds of schools.
Creativity is just connecting things. LET'S CONNECT..... New Writing - Prompts & Exercises - Podcast With Writers - Iran Memoirs
We cover: Investing in and around energy storage; electric vehicles, especially smaller ones and going electric when it makes sense for you.