Transitioning thru life's challenges and sharing the lessons to help others
Ageing writer with 40 years experience and a long list of accomplishments that do not include writting, outside of personal journaling. This is my attempt at changing that for better or worse..
Exploring the adventures of self-discovery through travel, retirement and mid-life matters. Relax with a glass and join me on a journey through life's experiences.
Master Substack, write, build your DREAM business with joy! Global Top 10 Publication. Twice monthly space holding (co-working, workshops, teaching). Weekly chats, podcasts. A bespoke membership to help you stay creative and grow on Substack! 💫
Once upon a time, I discovered I had many voices in my head and I needed a place to put them—then Substack came along. "To suggest is to create, to name is to destroy." —Stéphane Mallarmé
Finding joy and delight in the everyday while care giving for my aging mom on Block Island.