On freelancing, small business and the creative process
Freelance writer and editor, specialising in small business and entrepreneurship.
Helping writers earn millions of pounds in commissions since 2018. Calls for pitches, creative submissions, freelance and part-time writing jobs. All UK-based. Compiled by Sian Meades-Williams.
The online place for small business owners and freelancers who refuse to hustle. Resources, strategies and community to empower and inspire you.
All the opportunities you could ever want. Sign up via our website (www.journoresources.org.uk) — we've moved from Substack!
The simple letter is a community of likeminded hearts striving to live the life we want to live instead of the life we think we should. This is where you'll find musings on simplifying life, slowing it down and taking the path that's truly ours.
Questions and answers. Learnings and noticings. Wonderings and knowings. A life of Words. Written as it unfolds...