A newsletter and podcast illuminating a path to impact and success with a whole new level of fulfillment and freedom.
A seasoned executive coach, wilderness guide and explorer of consciousness and self-discovery, Brooks helps leaders and dreamers come fully alive so they can create authentic, aligned and regenerative impact.
"Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the ocean." - Thich Nhat Hanh Philosophy, business, spirituality, sense-making, & you.
SyntropyAlive explores what it means to move into greater levels of order in body, mind and spirit. These writings tend primarily to nervous system and trauma healing, living a soul guided life, conscious parenting, and spirituality.
A monthly Wild Yoga newsletter with muse-inspired writing and community updates.
The Unlock: Where bold leadership insights meet unfiltered wisdom. Executive coach, 2x founder, and leader, Matt Hunter's newsletter offers daring perspectives that push boundaries and fuel breakthroughs.
Explorations in how to create a life of clear purpose and deep fulfillment through Self-awareness.